Jan 20 – Genesis 46-48; Matthew 14:22-36 – WEEKEND EDITION

Welcome to the “But first, Bible” daily devotional podcast with Dave Miers.

Happy Sunday to you all!!

For God’s people in the Old Testament the Sabbath – or Saturday – was a day set aside as holy to the Lord. This side of the New Testament, Christians have set aside Sunday as a day to gather together. Why? Because on Sunday we remember and celebrate with joy that our Lord and Saviour rose from the dead!

This podcast has been downloaded in 46 different countries, which is amazing! And so wherever you are gathering with God’s people across the world today, do it knowing that not only did Jesus die in your place and for your sin but that he rose from the dead to give resurrection life to all who trust in him! He is alive! And he rules and he reigns!

Today’s readings come from Genesis 46-48 and Matthew 14:22-36.

Each weekend, we ask the following 4 questions of one of the passages…

  1. What do we learn about GOD?
  2. What do we learn about PEOPLE?
  3. What do we learn about God’s plan to save people through JESUS?
  4. What should be our RESPONSE?


Thanks again for following along with this podcast. Please share with others who might benefit from this devotional plan. We’re almost finished Genesis which means we’ll be commencing Exodus in a couple of days – which would be a great time for someone to join in and start reading with us.

Until tomorrow, keep trusting Jesus.
