Goodbye November 09 | Hello December 09

The name of this monthly blog post is lame. I’m sorry. Stay tuned for a phenomenal relaunch next month. Warm fuzzy if you can help the creative process (ie – hit me up with suggestions). December is here. We know what that means. All of the cicadas are currently at my window singing an ode to Summer. Bring it. I’m resolved to toughen up my soft feet this Summer. I know you’re interested, so I’ll keep you posted.

nyc grunge from smashing magazine

Above is my fave Smashing Magazine December 09 background. Not many to choose from if you live in the snow-less southern hemisphere!

November 2009 blog stats

I’ve been out of the country (and off the blog) for 1/3 of November, but still a bit of blog growth. Thanks for reading.

Joga Bonito.

2 Replies to “Goodbye November 09 | Hello December 09”

  1. Cicada melodies are bitter sweet.

    Good luck with the feet toughening. If its any help, its been almost two years with no shoes and I can now walk on glass. Bindies still get me though…

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