Tiger Woods, Sexual Sin and Choosing Heroes

Tiger Woods has fallen. I have no intention of having a pot shot at him or removing my sponsorship dollars. Here are two things I’ve been reflecting on amidst the media storm:

tiger woods

  1. Sexual sin is costly. Do you travel* alone for sport, business, preaching, holidays or the like? Count the cost of sexual sin, don’t put yourself in stupid situations and establish accountable relationships. (*This applies even if you’ve never left your home town).
  2. Choose your heroes carefully. Don’t put too much hope in people. Even heroes fall. I remember as a teenager being crushed when some of my heroes were exposed for their shadiness. I’m no longer surprised when a public figure or even a personal friend is exposed. My hope is in the One Man who will never be exposed for corruption or deceit. Trust Jesus – he won’t let you down.

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