Freedom from Sin and Death

In a world where many are crying out for freedom and liberation, Good Friday is a message of freedom: “God brings freedom from sin and death through the death of Jesus for sin.” I preached from Matthew 27 across the day. Always encouraged by the older crew at 830. Good time with my family at 1030. And then a new Good Friday Night service and dinner at 6pm tonight. I’m thankful to God for time with our church family today.

Here’s some details from tonight: there were 3 Bible readings, Isa 53 and 2 from Matthew 27, each with live music backing. The above pic from creation swap was used as a background. The band played 5 songs: Nothing but the blood; How deep the Father’s Love; In Christ Alone; Jesus Thank You; and Stronger. They also did a great version of Lead me to the Cross as an item (here’s a short vid). We used a countdown video to kick off and another video off the back of the sermon.

Click here to have a listen to my sermon on Matthew 27.

See below for the Easter Message from the Arch Bish.

Keep trusting Jesus.