Gay Marriage?

Debates are currently raging in Australia about same sex marriage. There are Christians who say really dumb stuff in opposition to the proposed changes to The Marriage Act. The pro same-sex marriage lobby also say some pretty dumb stuff. I have a ‘don’t be a Christian jerk‘ policy in life and online. But if I’ve personally offended you, I’m genuinely sorry if and when my tone and manner has been offensive.

Earlier this week I posted the Australian Christian Lobby animation, I don’t think it says much, and I think that it overemphasises procreation as central to marriage. Typically, I don’t think that ACL are the best political voice for Christians. In the embedded video above (click here if you can’t see it) John Dickson and Simon Smart from Centre for Public Christianity offer a great approach for Christians to engage lovingly on this issue. Watch it. Let me know what you think.

I haven’t yet watched it, but I understand that John Dickson was featured in a good interview on ONE PLUS ONE last Friday. Check it. EDIT: I’ve now watched it. It’s very good. Watch from 10:50 for about 10 minutes. I love the model of Christian discourse with the wider community encouraged by JD.

Here is some more Christian content from the last 18 months worth considering:


I believe that Christians ought to have a voice in this debate to commend a Biblical view on marriage. But ultimately, there is no expectation in the Bible that Christians can legislate how the rest of the world should live.

The most important thing that Christians can do is point people to Jesus. ALL people need to hear the wonderful news of Jesus. Jesus loves you, he died for your sin, he rose again to guarantee eternal life to all who trust in him. Check out these relevant posts for more info about Jesus: The King who Saves; The King Who Rules; Faith 101; The G.O.S.P.E.L.; No More Fear in Death; Responding to the Evidence.

22 Replies to “Gay Marriage?”

  1. EDIT: I’ve now watched it (the one plus one interview). It’s very good. Watch from 10:50 for about 10 minutes. I love the model of Christian discourse with the wider community encouraged by JD.

  2. Good stuff Dave.

    Been trying to do my own little thing here. I’m convinced we need to engage at depth on this issue and understand the key drivers.

    And yes, above all, point people to Jesus.

  3. I must admit… I don’t agree with the ACL on a lot of topics. More so on topics like internet filtering and 18+ game ratings. Haven’t really looked at their statements on gay marriage.

  4. Thanks Dave – some beautiful, thoughtful perspectives pulled together here. Appreciate it! Bless ya!

  5. Hi guys, this has changed my thinking on this debate. I think a lot of xians like me were feeling like we are loosing something that God has established for us to cherish. But I have realized through this vid from JD that we are not at all loosing anything. How can we impose / mandate our Christian values on the wider community. I think we should encourage it but we shouldn’t block it.

  6. Sorry old mate but I absolutely disagree with not what is said but your attitude towards other christians on these very difficult subjects. Christians attacking one another does not help our mission or ministry Our LORD had a backbone and did not pander to the wicked and by this I mean those who are unwilling to repent of their SIN We need to stand firm on Gods Word in all the coming storms.

    1. hi doug,

      thanks for stopping by. i’m sorry if i have caused you offence.

      i take it you’re not referring to this paragraph?

      Debates are currently raging in Australia about same sex marriage. There are Christians who say really dumb stuff in opposition to the proposed changes to The Marriage Act. The pro same-sex marriage lobby also say some pretty dumb stuff. I have a ‘don’t be a Christian jerk‘ policy in life and online. But if I’ve personally offended you, I’m genuinely sorry if and when my tone and manner has been offensive.

      Is this correct?

      i take it you’re offended by this paragraph?

      Earlier this week I posted the Australian Christian Lobby animation, I don’t think it says much, and I think that it overemphasises procreation as central to marriage. Typically, I don’t think that ACL are the best political voice for Christians. In the embedded video above (click here if you can’t see it) John Dickson and Simon Smart from Centre for Public Christianity offer a great approach for Christians to engage lovingly on this issue. Watch it. Let me know what you think.

      in hindsight – it would be worth saying more than “Typically, I don’t think that ACL are the best political voice for Christians.” however, that wasn’t the main point of my blogpost.

      i take it you don’t think i should be disagreeing with the ACL at all?

      a few questions…
      – what in my blogpost “attacking” other Christians?
      – what is “our mission or ministry”? my final paragraph in the blogpost seems to get to the heart of our mission in a way that much of the way that Christians engage on this issue fails to. is that fair?
      – are you accusing me of “pandering to the wicked?” if so, that’s a big accusation and would probably constitute you “attacking” me. if so, be careful.

      let me know what you think.



  7. Jesus says absolutely nothing about homosexuality…zero….zilch.

    Clearly anyone who condemns homosexuality is doing so primarily because it is their own personal view, to which they are entitled…but that’s all it is. Furthermore, those who conveniently pick and choose the parts of the Bible that fit their personal view, e.g. condemning gays (or gay marriage) using “procreation” as their argument must also condemn men and women who never marry..or women who do not or can not have children, etc. etc. Last but not least, using the “protecting the sanctity of marriage” argument…well, it’s too late, heteros screwed up the sanctity of marriage as evidenced by high divorce rates, multiple marriages, etc. Face it, homosexuals could only help at this point.

    1. Hi Scott G, thanks for taking time to leave a comment.

      Jesus says absolutely nothing about homosexuality…zero….zilch.

      Jesus has a lot to say about sexuality.

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