9 Replies to “newtown | sydney | australia”

  1. yep – the only place that knows how to make an affogato!

    (i’m not a coffee snob – so i’m happy to drink coffee elsewhere… even macca’s!! but seriously – no-one – no matter how good their coffee is – knows how to make an affogato properly!)

  2. @Luke WRONG!!!!

    that’s what all the cafe’s think… that’s why they fail.

    here’s what campos do:
    1) they freeze the glass
    2) they pack in the ice-cream – jam-packed
    3) they freeze the glass with the ice-cream in it
    4) they pull it out of the freezer when a customer wants one
    5) they pour on the shot of coffee.

    quality shot (ie not too much water) + stax of delicious ice-cream = GOLD!

  3. I consider myself somewhat of an affogato specialist…
    But I learnt all I know from campos.
    What about a campos sparkling long black?

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