Portrait of a Protestant: Calvin

John Calvin

Christ Alone – John Calvin (1509-1564)
Guest Blogger: Rowena Miers

Jesus Christ is undisputedly one of the most widely known and controversial figures of human history. Even today there are t-shirts made that brand him as “my homeboy”, he is featured in classical and modern art, and his name is even used the world over as a swear word. Despite Jesus being a world wide figure of intense public interest and scrutiny, there are many in the Christian church today who do not consider the bible truths about Jesus as being central to Christian belief. John Calvin a 16th century Swiss reformation theologian and pastor is one whose life and ministry contended for the centrality of Jesus Christ to Christian belief and worship.

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Portrait of a Protestant: Luther

Faith Alone – Martin Luther (1483-1546)
Guest Blogger: Rowena Miers

Martin Luther

The word faith is often used in a vague and uncertain fashion. Despite its vague usage the word ‘faith’ is key to Christian belief as shown in the life and work of Martin Luther a 16th century German theologian and preacher.

Martin Luther was born on November 10, 1483 in Eisleben, Germany as the son of a copper miner. His father had wanted him to enter the legal profession however on July 2 1505, on the way home from law school upon being caught in a thunderstorm and hurled to the ground by lightening he cried out, “Help me, St. Anne; I will become a monk”. Fifteen days later he kept his vow and became an Augustinian Monk.

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Portrait of a Protestant: Bilney

Thomas Bilney (1495 – 1531)
Guest Blogger: Rowena Miers

Thomas Bilney

“Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that save a wretch like me, I once was lost but now am found was blind but now I see.” (John Newton 1725-1807)

The words of the song Amazing Grace capture the joyousness experienced by Englishman John Newton upon learning of the forgiveness offered to him through Jesus Christ. This forgiveness is the gracious gift of life undeserved by sinners but given on account of God’s love and goodness.

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Portrait of a Protestant: Tyndale

Scripture Alone – William Tyndale (1494-1536)
Guest Blogger: Rowena Miers

William Tyndale

The Bible… numerous households and hotel rooms in Australia have one… free copies are given out at schools and at train stations, its read in churches and bible study groups the world over… Your Bible… the pages dog-eared, your favourite verses highlighted for later reference… a fairly harmless book right?

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