Karen B had an article in today’s new issue of the briefing on Christians and blogging. In the article she said that eternal weight of glory was easily the best blog** run by a Christian in Australia! This is fantastic because it coincides with my 10,000th hit!!! (Not quite as many as Craig and only just beaten by Sam and Soph)

Yep – that’s right – 10thousand hits in less than six months. The first website I made was for a University Christian group I started called: OCS (it will now redirect to an ugly site). I remember sitting in the computer lab at uni clicking refresh repeatedly to try and boost the hits for the site… let me say there’s been none of that here!! Here are some of my personal favourites from the past 6months:

>Youth Ministry: Emo Evangelism I and II – ripe for the pickin’
>The Wisdom of Solomon – I heart the dentist
>Elizabeth Bennet is Hot! – yep
>17 – demonstrates my ability to manipulate readers (50 comments)
>Katie Noonan, Aron Ottignon and communication – I sound like I know what I’m talking about!
>Youth Ministry: Don’t drag dead possums – my favourite youth ministry post
>Gaurdian Angel-cat – meowww
>The cat is out of the bag! – I think I’m sticking to these aims?!?

It’s been a while since I commented with fake comments to make it look like people were commenting… so thanks for reading… and thanks for commenting!

1) What’s your favourite post(s) from eternal weight of glory?
2) Why do you keep reading this blog? (…like seriously???)

**This is quite simply untrue… but it got your attention!

9 Replies to “10000”

  1. It’s been a while since I commented with fake comments to make it look like people were commenting

    I love your honesty Dave.

    But of course, I, like Craig, am just another one of your sock-puppets.

  2. Congrats Dave, my blog has been so uninteresting lately that it’s taking a while to hit 10,000… I am having a drought!

  3. This is quite simply untrue

    What is – that you have the best blog, or that this is what Karen said?

    Actually, I think that 10,000 is surprisingly low. I mean, I’ve had 7500 in the last 6 months, but if your blog really is as good as people say it is…

    Of course, if it’s mentioned in the Briefing, you might presume to get increased traffic.

  4. This is quite simply untrue

    What is – that you have the best blog, or that this is what Karen said?

    both!! how do you measure best!
    and karen didn’t mention any personal blogs – from memory i think she mentioned your.sydneyanglicans.net

    Actually, I think that 10,000 is surprisingly low. I mean, I’ve had 7500 in the last 6 months,

    i don’t think it’s that high either! especially when i linked to someone who got 100,000 in the same amount of time.

    but if your blog really is as good as people say it is…

    i’ve never heard anyone say this – i thought I was the one who created the hype! if this is the word on the street – that’s news to me!

    hope you’re well john
    hope your sermon goes well today.


  5. “Best blog”… dang you Dave. I was scouring the article in the briefing looking for reference to your blog!

  6. “Best blog”… dang you Dave. I was scouring the article in the briefing looking for reference to your blog!

    Sounds like you had a long week at NTE to believe lies like that!!!

    Dan Godden stopped reading when he got to that bit and didn’t read to the bottom… he said I sold out!!! He then went and told Row that I made the briefing!

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