The Dead-Line Driven Life

Adrenalin? Stupidity? Laziness? Faithlessness? Procrastination? I’m not sure what it is, but I work best when I seriously push deadlines. Like seriously. It’s definitely one of my super-powers. While it is a good skill, I’m keen to move away from having to draw on this super-power of mine all the time! It’s important: for the sake of my family, for others who rely on me; and for godly discipline.

Got any crazy dead-lines stories?
One warm fuzzy for the location of this fireworks shot from the weekend…

Youthworks Conference 2007

Just noticed that rego for the Youthworks YOUTH MINISTRY CONFERENCE 07 closes next Wednesday (Nov 14). I’ve been to this conference for the past 3 years and it’s a great conference to be equipped, encouraged, enthused, excited and other ‘e’ words for youth ministry.

Speakers: Steve Chong, Jim French, John Woodhouse and Kel Willis.

Workshops & Forums:
Jodie McNeill, Trinette Armitt, Jon Thorpe, Josie McSkimming, James Fong, Andy Stevenson, Andrew Thorburn, Richard Beeston, Steve Jeffrey, Stu Crawshaw and Bruce Hocking.

Monday November 26 & Tuesday November 27 AD2007
@ Moore College, 1 King St, Newtown
$115 or $60 per day (includes all meals)

You can register online – but that doesn’t seem to be working at the moment.
I’ve got a bunch of rego forms for any CCEC peeps. (Or download pdf)

Bakehouse Cafe

Yo CCECNITECHURCH peeps and friends. Got an sms from Mike today. From this Sunday we’ll be able to go to the Bakehouse Cafe (in Fountain Plaza) after church. From 830pm. Coffee and cake available. See you there!

The Catalytic Cross

If you followed my commentary on NYMC07 you'd have seen that I concluded that "Australian Youth Ministry needs leaders who will preach Christ Crucified to a dying generation." Over the weekend Greg Stier spoke at a similar conference in the US about the need to preach Christ crucified. Check out his talk summary. Marko didn't agree with the talk (last paragraph). Schmoyer did. I'm with Stier and Schmoyer on this one.

The Double Break It Up Down Crawl

Friday night was Double break it up down. It was a big night! Dan and I did a crawl of the 9 different events run on the night. Exhausting, but fun. At each venue we recorded a Podcast. They only go for a couple of minutes each. Check them out below: