Mission – Köstenberger

Mission – Köstenberger (doc). This is the ‘Mission’ chapter from the New Dictionary of Biblical Theology. It’s basically the same as the summary in ‘Salvation to the End of the Earth’ by O’Brien and Köstenberger. So you get 250 pages summarised into 4. Sweet.

If you’re not about to sit an exam on this stuff, have a read any way. It’s good. If you have no idea who Jesus is – this website is a good start. (sxc pic)

An Evangelical Rationale for Social Action

An Evangelical Rationale for Social Action (pdf) by Michael Hill. “By his sacrificial service on the cross (Jesus) revealed God’s standard for all to imitate. He modelled true humanity in his humility and selfabasement before God and his self-giving service… to his neighbours.”

“The reality is that evangelism will lead to conversion and conversion will lead to a new creation and that new creation will oblige people to be involved in social action.” sxc pic

Reuben 3 – Dave 0

The Mariners won last night – we’re now sitting in second… giddy up!! Reuben came up to watch. It was Reuben, Llyeton Hewitt and 5 other random Adelaide fans against 8000 Central Coast supporters! Read Reuben’s match review.

The Mariners may have won 3-0, but Reuben is definitely beating me in the Mo-Stakes. Believe it or not, in the picture above we both have moustaches. He is clearly winning 3-0. Stay tuned for an extreme close-up of my masterpiece. GIVE MONEY TO MY MO!

What can we know for certain?

“The concept of divine revelation was central to Augustine’s epistemology, or theory of knowledge. He saw that revelation is the necessary condition for all knowledge. As Plato argued that to escape the shadows on the cave wall the prisoner must see things in the light of day, so Augustine argued that the light of the divine revelation is necessary for knowledge.

[…] When Augustine speaks of revelation, he is not speaking of biblical revelation alone. He is also concerned with “general” or “natural” revelation. Not only are the truths found in Scripture dependent on God’s revelation, but all truth, including scientific truth is dependent on divine revelation.”

R.C. Sproul – The Consequence of Ideas. p58-59 + sxc pic

Confessions by Augustine

“I seek thee, O Lord, in the faith that you gave me. The time has come to call to mind my past sins. My mother followed Christ, yet I was not baptised. I shunned the path of friendship and pursued the passion of fornication. I, with other young scoundrels, committed the sin of theft in stealing some pears. I was captivated by the vanity of the theatre.

But I chanced upon Cicero’s ‘Hortensius’, and discovered philosophy. I studied, too, thy Holy Scripture, and saw something sublime. I fell among the followers of Mani who spoke of Jesus Christ, yet hung on foolish questions. I lusted after empty fame, and took to the false religion of “liberal arts”. I had a mistress, without lawful marriage. I happily consulted with astrologers.

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