At just the right time…

…when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly (Romans 5:6). A big thing going on in this verse is the death of Jesus for us when we were sinners. We often miss the “at just the right time” bit. Jesus died in accordance with God’s purposes and plans AND at a time historically that was ripe for the rapid spreading of the gospel of Jesus’ death and resurrection.

The Roman Empire was enjoying widespread peace (pax romana) meaning that there was safe road travel. The Greek language was in widespread usage and the Old Testament had already been translated into Greek (LXX). And the Jewish synagogues throughout the Mediterranean provided a platform for proclaiming Jesus.

Where do we come from?

“Over against Greek philosophy, Augustine staunchly defended the biblical concept of creation. God’s work of creation, said Augustine, is voluntary and purposive. Creation is not of necessity (as in Greek thought), nor is the material world eternal. The universe had a beginning. There was a “time” when the universe was not. […]

According to Augustine, God created all things ex nihilo, “out of nothing.” Augustine was not violating the maxim Ex nihilo nihil fit, “Out of nothing, nothing comes.” He did not argue that once there was nothing and suddenly there was something. This notion of self-creation is irrational, and only the credulous affirm it. For something to create itself, it must exist before it existed, a manifest violation of the law of noncontradiction, as the thing must be and not be at the same time and in the same relationship. Before creating the world, the eternal God existed, so creation ex nihilo does not mean creation by nothing. […] Since God is good, all that he originally created was good.”

R.C. Sproul – The Consequence of Ideas. p61-62