Matt Chandler is preaching on the Central Coast

…for one night only: Wednesday 26 August 2009. (He’ll also be at a pastor’s conference during the day). Chandler is the Lead Pastor of The Village Church in Texas. Scroll down a bit for 2 videos of Chandler preaching and 3 reasons I value his preaching:

village church

  1. He preaches on the high school ministry retreat
  2. From video 1 – he’s an engaging story teller
  3. From video 2 – he preaches Jesus

See below for the 2 vids…

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YouTube + Twitter + Facebook = YouTwitFace

“In the year 3000, YouTube, Twitter & Facebook will merge into 1 super time-wasting site called YouTwitFace.” – Conan O’Brien (h/t Hayesy via tweetski). It’s easy to waste time online! True dat. There’s even been a bit of a trend in some tech-embracing churches to encourage twittering during the sermon. Last week, Josh Harris wrote a good counter piece on why he’d be discouraging his congregation from tweeting during the sermon and John Piper, likewise, had some good gear on the “difference between communion with God and commenting on communion with God.” Wise words of caution.

don't be a twitface

Here’s some more gold from Piper on why and how he will be tweeting:

I see two kinds of response to social Internet media like blogging, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, and others.

One says: These media tend to shorten attention spans, weaken discursive reasoning, lure people away from Scripture and prayer, disembody relationships, feed the fires of narcissism, cater to the craving for attention, fill the world with drivel, shrink the soul’s capacity for greatness, and make us second-handers who comment on life when we ought to be living it. So boycott them and write books (not blogs) about the problem.

The other response says: Yes, there is truth in all of that, but instead of boycotting, try to fill these media with as much provocative, reasonable, Bible-saturated, prayerful, relational, Christ-exalting, truth-driven, serious, creative pointers to true greatness as you can.

Read the rest

His response to social media reminds me of my #2 reason for blogging.

Don’t be a twitface.

Killcare Babymoon

Anton says that there are two types of Babymoons, one after the baby is born, and one before the baby is born. We went for the latter. We had a really relaxing long weekend and now have 8 days until download day! Can’t wait…

The Bump

Here’s the tweets from the bm:

  • Babymoon update 7 – 40 hrs sleep in 4 nites! 11 episodes of West Wing. 1 car broken into. 1 baby still in tummy. 1way 1truth 1life = Jesus.1:41 PM Jun 1st from web
  • babymoon update 6 – West Wing series 1 episode 6.5:52 PM May 31st from web
  • babymoon update 5 – watching West Wing Series 1 Episode 1… Where will this end??12:10 PM May 31st from web
  • Babymoon 4 – sweet leb dinner on king st.Car broken into @danielgodden mac stolen. Voddy lost. Cops tackle graffiti kid. Justice. Now bed.1:27 AM May 31st from web
  • babymoon update 3 – just bought milk with use-by date the same as baby due-by date. Get ready…7:12 PM May 29th from web
  • Babymoon update 2 – we just spotted 2 whales off Killcare beach… They might be having their own babymoon soon! ;)2:18 PM May 29th from web
  • babymoon update 1 – just had 12+ hours sleep!!! Last time for 20years???1:19 PM May 29th from web

Goodbye May 09 | Hello June 09

Welcome to ‘Goodbye Hello’. It’s a new monthly feature on dmdc. It will probably change your life. Or not. June is the month with about a millison family birthdays (+ our wedding anniversary and the arrival of mini-Miers). Here’s my smashing magazine desktop calendar for June (2nd place was this cactus one):

june-09 desktop action

May 2009 blogedy blog