A different Jesus – Andrew Heard

Below is an extract from Andrew Heard’s article in the November Briefing: A diffeent Jesus. It’s published in full on this website.

As commendable as this is (and in its best expressions it is very commendable), the foundation it is built on – false expectations of God’s promises for prosperity – make the entire package wrong. The prosperity gospel not only misuses the Bible, it seriously misrepresents Christ. This is why a number of leading Bible scholars and pastors, including John Stott, have declared it to be a ‘different gospel’ – not because it denies fundamental biblical teachings but because it adds false and misleading doctrines to them.

I love the way that Andrew writes – I think he writes with humility and clear articulation. What do you think of the article?

3 Replies to “A different Jesus – Andrew Heard”

  1. Haven’t read it yet – will do so.

    But in the meantime, what’s with the photo?? What is it??

  2. Ah yep I see it now…bizarre…

    I thought the article was great…certainly very well-written and clear.

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