9 Replies to “Best thing about summer…”

  1. Not sure if it’s the best, but it’s definitely up there. I had my first mango of the season on Monday night. Sooooo good!

  2. CJ, are you guys finishing youth this friday?

    hope it’s a killer night.

    we have 1 more normal night… then our party.

  3. Oooh yeah! Definitely in the top 3 things of summer anyway. Better than over the kitchen sink though is out under the shade of the jacarandah tree in our back yard on a warm afternoon.

    Love summer. Bring it on!

  4. Yep, we had our end-of-year party last night. Great times, and good fellowship. Photos will be online at youth.stmatts.org.au in the next few days.

    We also released issue_003 of FNNNN which you can get off our youth website.

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