Break it Down #4

Sound Relief was a unique music event held simultaneously in Sydney and Melbourne. It raised about $5Million for victims of the Victorian Bush Fires and Queensland floods. We listened on and off during the day via triple j. Lots of great music moments!

Sound Relief

The concert reminded me that group singing isn’t that weird. Lots of Christians claim that group-singing is something foreign to non-Christians. I disagree. Generation Y are happy to sing in a group. They sing heartily at karaoke, sporting events, football change rooms and live music concerts. Give them a cause and a reason to sing and they will. Churches could tap into that – don’t just song as a filler – but sing with purpose and passion. (See nath + dan for related ideas).

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4 Replies to “Break it Down #4”

  1. I was at Sound Relief… The singing was awesome, and there I think, something to do with singing for a purpose. We sing to praise God, which is why we sometimes think that ”non-Christians” don’t do group singing. Yet, Saturday was a day of purpose. For the audience, the MCs pushed the idea very hard and repetitively that we were singing as Australians, as mates helping out other mates, as a family. This is something I think that Gen Y is crying out for, and this is something that Sound Relief supposedly provided.

    “I still call Australia home” just about sums up the vibe of the event…

  2. thanks for the comments.

    i wasn’t there… but i could feel the vibes coming through the radio – and some of it was quite moving.

    another thing i was thinking after the event:

    multi-campus churches. i think it’s best to have live music in multi-campus churches… but – i think sound relief, with their replaying/or live crossing of songs from the other city, showed that people are just happy to sing along with a screen as they are in flesh!

  3. Yeah I was there doing sound levels and stuff. So I only got an hour in the mosh pit.

    I found that the live stream from MCG really wasn’t that great. People were more partying for the party then singing along to a screen. I think there is some exceptions for using the screen.

    Also, the singing related to who was performing, so I don’t think Sound Relief singing to Church singing can be directly transferred otherwise there is the danger that our church would be more for the band and not the purpose. Relying on spiritual waves of emotion coming from the band then the inner passion for the greater meaning behind the singing.

    Although i do agree that an inadequate band in church can be a real song killer :p. But I am just as emotionally involved in an powerful Hymn played plainly as a COC praise chorus.

  4. pazza – thanks for the comment bro.

    sound levels and stuff – sounds fun!

    People were more partying for the party then singing along to a screen.

    Luke 15 tells me that we’ve got a pretty good reason to party!! maybe we should party (in Jesus and for his glory) more often for the sake of partying! it will help our singing.

    Also, the singing related to who was performing, so I don’t think Sound Relief singing to Church singing can be directly transferred otherwise there is the danger that our church would be more for the band and not the purpose.

    don’t take my analogy too far!! i think that’s the exact point – it’s not about the performer, but about JEsus!

    this is from a mate’s twitter this morning
    wonders why Xns aren’t as enthusiastic singing at church as they are at Coldplay concerts and what that says about our view of Jesus vs. Chris Martin

    i think he nailed it. our focus isn’t on church musos – but on Jesus – we sing to him and about him.

    a friend twittered earlier today and

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