Jan 23 – Exodus 4-6; Matthew 16 – JESUS IS THE CHRIST

Welcome to the “But first, Bible” daily devotional podcast with Dave Miers.

In our readings today we continue following the story of God’s plans to rescue for himself a people by reading Exodus 4-6, and we are reading a really significant chapter in Matthew 16. It is a turning point in the gospel of Matthew.

There are 3 really important questions answered in Matthew 16.

  1. Who is Jesus?
  2. Why did Jesus come?
  3. What does it mean to follow Jesus?


This has been a questioned repeatedly asked up until this point in the gospel. Jesus is teaching with authority, he is performing miracles, he is offering forgiveness of sins, he is raising the dead, he is calming the storm. Who is this man? Well, Jesus asks his disciples what the word on the street is regarding who people think he is. Then he turns the question upon them. How does Peter answer?

Matthew 16:16

[16] Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” (ESV)

Jesus then confirms that he is the Christ. This is a really significant revelation of Jesus’ identity. The nation of Israel were waiting for the Christ to appear. Christ is not Jesus’ last name, it’s a title. The Christ, or Messiah, is the king specifically promised by God who would come and rule God’s people.


Or to put it another way, What does it mean for Jesus to be the Christ? There were all sorts of expectations from the Jewish people regarding what the Christ would be like. Some of those expectations were from Old Testament scripture, while others were teachings that had arisen from outside the bible.

Immediately after identifying as the Christ, Jesus reveals what it will mean for him to be Christ.

Check it out in Matthew 16:21

[21] From that time Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised. (ESV)

Central to the mission of the Christ was to suffer, die, and be raised again.

Immediately after this Peter rebukes Jesus for suggesting that he must die and rise again. This is because Peter, along with many others, was expecting the Christ to come and defeat Israel’s enemies. And so at this stage, he couldn’t conceive of a Christ who would suffer and die.

Yet, Christ then rebukes Peter. Death and resurrection are at the heart of Jesus’ mission on this earth. From this point on in Matthew’s narrative, Jesus will intentionally be moving towards Jerusalem and towards his own death and resurrection.

The truth is – Jesus DID come to defeat Israel’s enemies. However, rather than being a political enemy, Jesus came to defeat our 3 greatest enemies: SIN, SATAN, and DEATH. And he would do that in his death and resurrection.


Look at what Jesus says in Matthew 16:24

[24] Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. (ESV)

“If anyone” – this is non-negotiable and must be true for all of his disciples.

“Deny yourself” – the call of following Christ is a call to deny yourself, deny serving yourself, turn from living with yourself at the centre of the universe. This is a big call in a society where we are encouraged to take some “me time” and serve ourselves.

“Take up your cross” – just like Jesus would suffer and die, his disciples are called to suffer and die. Jesus’ audience knew exactly what ‘taking up your cross’ meant. It meant you were on your way to your death. This may include physically dying for your faith, as many Christians have experienced. But it also includes embracing a new life and new posture toward the world.

“Follow me” – following Jesus involves following Jesus. This includes:

  • being like Jesus,
  • going where Jesus goes,
  • living for Jesus
  • being more concerned with what he thinks of you than anyone else.

Matthew 16 answers 3 massive questions:

Who is Jesus? He is the Christ

Why did Jesus come? To die and rise again

What does it mean to follow Jesus? Deny self, take up cross, follow.

While I know that most listeners of this podcast are Christian… It might be that you know you’re not a follower of the Christ, but you’d like to become one. Please reach out. I’d love to help answer any questions you have, meet up if you’re based in Brisbane, or get you connected with a church and Christians in your area.

Until tomorrow, keep trusting Jesus.