The King who SAVES

Jesus did many things. He healed the sick, he calmed the storm, he told parables, he taught with authority. But out of everything that he did, it was his death on a bloody cross that is of first importance. Why did Jesus have to die? Was it really necessary?

The King who SAVES

At his crucifixion Jesus was mocked. They said that Jesus claimed to be someone special, yet he couldn’t even save himself from being killed! They put a sign above his head ridiculing him: JESUS KING OF THE JEWS (John 19:19). They didn’t really believe that he was the king. They were expecting their coming king to be powerful and mighty. Jesus looked too weak to be a mighty king.

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Singing Praise to Jesus

This Sunday, I’m leading the music at church. It’s the first time I’ve done it for years! I’m looking forward to it, but I’m a bit rusty on the guitar (and voice too)… But it’s not about me – it’s such a good thing to encourage others as together we sing praise to Jesus.

a guitar

I’m going with 4 songs. 2 upfront and 2 at the end.

  1. Blessed be your name
  2. Nothing but the blood
  3. How deep the Father’s love
  4. How great is our God

sxc pic

Uluru Church Planting Crew

Al Stewart, Andrew Heard and Steve Chong hosted an Australian Church Planting conference yesterday with the aim of turning talk into action. Al kicked off in the Bible and described the job description of a church planter: Soldier; Athlete; Farmer. He also spoke about the nature of the gospel and why it’s worth suffering. Solid and challenging stuff. Chong, 1 year into a church plant in Kogarah, shared some reflections as a rookie with things they got right and things they got wrong. Heardy, 13 years into a church plant on the Central Coast, spoke about thing he wish he knew when he first started.


Some common threads: how hard it is plant churches; the urgent need to plant churches around Australia that will proclaim Jesus; the desire to get out there and do it! There are a bunch of networks currently planting churches around Australia and so the question is: what type of network of networks could be formed to help plant more? And what would its relationship be to the Acts 29 Network?

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We Are A Movement

This is an encouraging lecture that Mark Driscoll gave at a recent Acts 29 Bootcamp. It’s interesting to hear the progression from Movement > Organisation > Institution > Museum. There are great insights into the vision of Acts 29 and how they are contending and contextualising the gospel.

Most exciting is seeing something of what God’s Spirit is currently doing around the world as Jesus is proclaimed. Recommended viewing if you’re thinking about planting a church.

Jesus Life Culture Design #32

Yesterday was the last Friday Foto. Today I’m calling ‘game over’ on Jesus Life Culture Design. Sam thinks the name sucks too, so let’s say goodbye. Tot ziens. Adéu. Head aega. Sampai jumpa. Auf Wiedersehen. Rack off. Stay tuned for exciting new adventures next weekend! Are you a twit? Then hit me up on twitter.

Jesus Life Culture Design

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