We live on a well lit, busy street that drunken people often stagger along late at night**. Over the years, we (Rowena and I) have picked up a number of drunk, disoriented and vulnerable girls. Row is very good in these situations. Tonight we picked up Jess*. She’s only 15 years old. She was distressed.

Jess* has been kicked out of school, isn’t welcome at home and gets drunk too often. Tonight she was drunk again and walking in the wrong direction from where she wanted to go. Row comforted her, and we gave her a lift. Upon arriving at her friend’s house, she said “Sorry that I’m off my chops”. We took her inside and she said we should catch up with her for lunch. We’re going to take her up on that offer. Row will call her in the morning to see how she is doing.
Why do we want to take her up on that offer? Quite frankly, because she is hopeless… that is, without hope. We want her to know Jesus and the living hope that can only be found through his death and resurrection. And indeed for the many lost teenagers on the Central Coast and beyond.
Do you know Jesus? He is your only hope for this life and the one to come.
*Not her real name… **We actually went out to investigate a disturbance with a girl screaming on the street while I was writing this! – sxc pic