you: an introduction | by michael jensen

You don’t have to look too far to realise that “life is all about me”. Here is the most recent addition to my collection of me-centred narcissistic paraphernalia. It’s a t-shirt. A week after I photographed the t-shirt on the rack, I saw some crack pot actually wearing it at the local mega-plex shopping centre!

Actually, Yes, The World Does Revolve Around ME!

But I’m not so stupid to believe that the world really revolves around me? Am I? Are you? Often I am. Often you are. The problem is: we hear this message so often, that we actually start to believe it.

It’s into this context that Michael Jensen has written a book called you: an introduction. It might sound like it’s a book all about you. It is. And it isn’t.

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How do you use Greek in the pulpit?

Bill Mounce is a Greek Ninja. Of all the people who can kung-fu greek style – he’s one bad dude you don’t want to mess with (imagine if he and Con Campbell double teamed you!). He’s written a flippin’ sweet blog post on how to use Greek in the pulpit:

How do you use Greek in the pulpit?

“Before the ESV was available, I used another translation that was a little freer in its translation philosophy. There were two Sundays in a row where I had to correct its interpretation to make what I thought was the true point of the passage. After the service a new Christian came to me and asked, “Can I not trust my Bible?” Ouch! So here is one of the big no-noes from the pulpit. Do not correct the English Bible. Ever! Never say, “the translators got this wrong.” The damage you can do to a person’s trust in Scripture is unimaginable.”

Read the whole thing. His post helps Pastors to not be jerks in the way they use greek from the pulpit – this is a must read for all wannabe preachers/greek ninjas. Seriously.

(h/t acl)

GenR8 Ministries Annual Conference – Do Not Lose Heart

Today I spoke at the GenR8 Ministries Annual Conference. “GenR8 helps NSW Scripture Teachers, Chaplains and Scripture Boards strengthen their ministry in NSW schools so that many more young lives will be transformed through the Lord Jesus Christ.”

GenR8 ministries - new website launched at conference

It was a privilege to hang out with this great group of people. They are doing such a valuable work in NSW government schools, and there’s exciting plans in the pipelines. I kicked off the day speaking on 2 Corinthians 4Do Not Lose Heart.


Jesus Life Culture Design #28

Here is my Bible Reading plan for 2009: PDF or EXCEL (adpated from I plan to read the whole Bible this year. Reading a few chapters from 1 Old Testament book each day and one chapter from 1 New Testament book each day. I think this plan is more achievable than the M’Cheyne/Carson plan that seeks to read the OT once and the NT and Psalms twice each throughout the year from 4 different books per day. Never read the Bible? Start here then here.

Jesus Life Culture Design

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