Subject to a better offer

Generation Y are the STABO Generation. STABO = Subject To A Better Offer. What does this mean? It means that Gen Y are only willing to commit to something providing they can’t find anything better to do. This means Gen Y suck at RSVPing to parties; they’re slow at registering for events (unless it’s an event that will sell out early); and employers find it difficult to hold onto young workers.

How do you minister to STABO Christians? The way it’s normally done is their discipleship is called into question, and they are told to grow up and get on board with the program. This is dumb. I think a better way to minister to STABO’s is to show them the best offer!! And then, in time, they will understand more of what it means to grow up and be counter-cultural in this area. Rather than twisting someone’s arm to convince them to go to a prayer night, show them why prayer matters and how there is no better place to be on that night than to be praying with Jesus’ people.

If you’re not a Christian and you’re reading this… no matter what the world offers you… there is no better offer than what Jesus offers in his death and resurrection.

Passion Sydney – Jesus

The Passion World Tour has come and gone. Their journey ended in Sydney last night at the Entertainment Centre with 8000 people gathering to make the name of Jesus famous. Louie Giglio spoke. Chris Tomlin and David Crowder Band played music. Sweet.

Key Verse: “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” (2 Corinthians 5:21). We were challenged to enlarge our view of Jesus. The night was all about Jesus.

Other Coverage: Louie @ the 268 Blog (with some sweet pics); Dan makes some observations on ministering to Gen Y – Cause, Music, Preaching.

Rice Regenerate 2008

We went to Rice Regenerate last night with 500 other 20-somethings. It’s the next phase of the Rice Movement growing out of the large Rice youth rallies. RICERegenerate is a movement aimed to see a generation of lay leaders in our churches revived, renewed, and re-ignited in their passion to serve our great God and Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Mike Raiter spoke on the Parable of the Ten Minas (Luke 19:11-27). He smashed it! He spoke with great passion + soul-searching conviction from the Bible. I was challenged to be greedy to use my gifts to produce fruit for the Kingdom of God; not for the praise of men, but for the praise of God. An illustration on Adoniram Judson encouraged me to taste and see that the Lord is good even in the hard times.

Continue reading “Rice Regenerate 2008”


Today is Blog Action Day 2008. The aim: get Global Poverty on the agenda. Let’s talk.

Here’s what James has to say on a related issue: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” (James 1:27)

pic from here