Theology of Youth Ministry Conference 08

Youthworks are running their biennial ‘Theology of Youth Ministry’ conference again this year. I went to the conference in 2006 and found it very helpful. The theme this year: Connecting the Unconnected – Thinking Strategically about Missional Engagement with Youth.

I’ll see how the work load is going at college – but I’m hoping to make it along. If you are a Youth Pastor – go and be part of this conference! More info or download rego form (pdf). Here are the speakers and Papers they will be presenting:

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Ignatious of Antioch

In Acts 5 the apostles were dragged before the big wigs and told to shut up about Jesus, or else… This wasn’t the first time either! Back in Acts 4:20 after they were warned to shut up about Jesus they said: “we can’t help but speak of what we’ve seen and heard in Christ Jesus.”

Ignatious of Antioch

On this occasion, they end up getting released again – not before they are flogged. Check out their reaction:

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Jesus Team Colours

The Apostle Paul says to follow him as he follows Jesus. When Paul (then known as Saul) became a Christian, his priorities were radically changed. Paul wore the Jesus team colours. He loves Jesus, People and Prayer.


What’s distinctive about sporting fans? What do they do to show they support their team? Fans wear their team colours; they wear the jersey; they wear the scarf; they have the bumper sticker on their school folder; and they will make themselves look stupid! Fans will travel across the world to watch their team play one game and devote themselves to following the team.

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Paul’s Priorities #3 – Prayer

The Apostle Paul says to follow him as he follows Jesus. When Paul (then known as Saul) became a Christian, his priorities were radically changed. Prayer matters to Jesus. Prayer matters to Paul.

Paul’s Priorities

Christians know that they should pray, but sometimes we just don’t know what to pray. Paul is a great example of someone who prayed. We can learn from how he prayed and we can learn much from the content of his prayers.

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Paul’s Priorities #2 – People

The Apostle Paul says to follow him as he follows Jesus. When Paul (then known as Saul) became a Christian, his priorities were radically changed. People matter to Jesus. People matter to Paul.

Paul’s Priorities

Paul had a deep concern for people (2 Cor 11:28). He was even willing for himself to be cut off from Christ for the sake of others (Romans 9:3-4)! 1 Thessalonians is a book where Paul’s love and passion for people is clearly evident.

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Paul’s Priorities #1 – Jesus

The Apostle Paul says to follow him as he follows Jesus. When Paul (then known as Saul) became a Christian, his priorities were radically changed. He no longer valued his old life and credentials, but prized knowing Jesus above all else.

Paul’s Priorities

Paul didn’t just focus on the healings of Jesus, the birth of Jesus or the miracles of Jesus. As Paul focused on Jesus, his focus and main priority was on the work of Jesus on the cross.

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