Waiting for Jesus – 3 Youth Sermons from Titus

Over the weekend I enjoyed hanging out with the young punks from Logos youth group (Asquith Anglican).  They’re a really encouraging group.  I particularly enjoyed hearing the way that God had been at work in the lives of some of their leaders and also youth. God is very kind. We studied the book of Titus (read it here). It was the second time I’ve done the talks (here’s the first). I was sick in the early hours of Sunday morning. God sustained me through the Sunday talk! Download the MP3s:

Shout out to Edward Sowden who accompanied me on the road trip. Good times.

And also to Jess Moreton for all her help in transcribing the talks. You rock!

Romans in a nutshell – Andrew Errington

Andrew Errington has had a crack at summarising Romans. Looks pretty good.

Here’s a snippet:

1:1–17 You want to hear some good news? It’s found in Jesus, the Saviour King. In him and his story God has acted to save people like you and me precisely by being righteous.
But first some bad news. God is justly furious at human wickedness, especially human failure to honour him as Creator; and unfortunately, people have no excuse.
Those who see this and cast judgment, though, are equally without excuse, because no partiality on God’s part will alter his judgment according to how lives have been lived.
There is, that is to say, no a priori distinction between Jews and Gentiles: judgment is by works. So the mere realities of circumcision and possession of the Law do not save of themselves!
That doesn’t mean the Jews have no privilege at all. Yet they are not thereby safe. Stay posted on this one!
What this amounts to is that when it comes to ultimate judgment, the Jews have no advantage, for all are under sin. No one, even and indeed especially (!) those under the Law, is righteous before God.
But the good news is: God’s righteousness, by which through the atoning death of Christ he is both just and justifies everyone who has faith in Jesus.

Go read the rest.

According to Twitter: Romans

Each day I tweet a Bible verse from the passage I’ve read that morning. Tweeting it helps me to be disciplined with reading and it’s good to be able to encourage fellow twits with nuggets of God’s Word. I figured that it would make a good little summary to compile them all together at the end of each book. Check out Romans below.

Here is the reading plan I use (PDF). Here are some other  Bible reading resources.

See below the jump for the compilation of the Romans verses:

Continue reading “According to Twitter: Romans”

Theology of Youth Ministry Conference 2010

Registration closes for the Anglican Youthworks Theology of Youth Ministry Conference 2010 THIS FRIDAY (10th Sept). I just registered, but would have forgotten if it weren’t for Graham Stanton’s twitter reminders. So don’t forget to register!! It’s a great conference that only comes around every two years. GO REGISTER NOW.

“How do both the unchanging message of the gospel and the constantly changing culture of the world come together in the life of the church? This is the big question we wish to grapple with at Youthworks College’s 2010 Theology of Youth Ministry Conference.”

Date: September 23 – 24, 2010| PDF Brochure

Location: St Anne’s Anglican Church | 42-50 Church St, Ryde – Sydney (view map)

Speakers: Jack Gabig, Paul McQuillan, Matthew Brain & Jim French.

Unite Youth: Unashamed

Here’s an event I’m speaking at this Friday night. I’ll be preaching on Romans 1:16-17. Should be a good night. If you’re in the Penrith-Blacktown area, get your butt along.

No puedo pensar en otra cosa que escribir debajo de la imagen.

Moore College Open Day – 25 September 2010

Moore College rocks the suburbs. If you’re interested in Full-Time, Part-Time or External Study to better equipped for ministry and mission come along to the 2010 Open Day & Spring Carnival – Sat 25 September. The day starts with morning tea at 10am and continues through to 2.30pm. BBQ lunch included. 1 King Street Newtown 2042.

Pass this on to others who should be thinking about studying at Moore. Blog it, Tweet it, Facebook it, ‘Like’ it on Facebook.

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