Riverina Youth Convention – Talk MP3s

I’ve spent the last few days near Wagga Wagga at the Riverina Youth Convention. I really liked the country-fresh cow manure smell. I really loved the 80 or so young people from across the Riverina. The program was full on with 4 talks, 2 workshops and 1 q&a in just over 24 hours. Yet, these young people loved being challenged from God’s word.

God in his kindness brought a number of people from death to life!! And a few more recommitted their lives to following Jesus. Richard Wilson (AFES Wagga Wagga) and a fantastic bunch of youth leaders from across the Riverina did a great job at organising the event. Below are the MP3s from my 4 Living the Revolution talks:

If you were there, feel free to leave comments on how you were challenged and/or encouraged from God’s word over the weekend…

Can you really say there’s only one true religion?

We’ve sent a number of advance troops out to leaflet commuters at Merrylands Station each morning. If you’ve spent much time catching trains around Sydney City, you’ll realise that commuters are willing to read any trash you put in their hands. MX is the prime example. Trashy journalism at it’s best, or worst. Yet everyone reads it!

Merrylands Anglican Church and/or Moore College don’t have the budget to produce glossy glossy publications every day, but we figure that we can provide some content that’s less trashy and hopefully a little more thought-provoking.

It works. People take it. People read it. Here is tomorrow morning’s edition: Can you really say there’s only one true religion? (PDF)

I think this is an evangelism/engagement strategy that churches could use once a week. If you’re near a busy train station or bus stop, here’s what you do:

  1. get someone with basic skills* in design to provide a simple template
  2. write a brief article with a thought provoking/provocative title
  3. advertise church and/or some upcoming events
  4. throw in a puzzle and some pictures
  5. print it A5 double sided
  6. give it to people thursday (or whenever) morning each week

Hey presto!

Does anyone know of churches/ministries doing this regularly??

*basic skills = knowing that Comic Sans is a bad font!


Today I drank an instant coffee

The street we door-knocked this afternoon had an unusually high number of people offering us to come in for a drink. It may have been the heat, or maybe that’s just how they roll. We thought it would have been rude to reject the kind invitations. So we enjoyed the hospitality in four local Merrylands’ homes.

I don’t normally drink instant coffee. I’m not a coffee snob, but you’re a jerk if you reject an instant coffee when door knocking. Maybe you’re a jerk at any time if you reject instant-coffee-hospitality! So I drank the coffee.

While drinking, I explained Jesus’ parable of the Pharisee & the Tax Collector from Luke 18. She seemed to understand that God doesn’t accept the religious, but those who throw themselves on God for mercy. Yet, when pressed on what gave her confidence before God, she insisted that it was because she was good, moral and obedient. Pray she’d understand the Jesus-bit.

Here are 3 observations on this street:

  1. There are many religious people in Merrylands willing to talk about Jesus
  2. Their confidence before God is in their religiosity and not the work of Jesus
  3. Colin Buchanan’s DVD is pretty much like smuggling Bibles into North Korea

Merrylands already have their MP3s online. Check out this morning’s sermons.


The Prodigal God – By Tim Keller

Luke 15 is one of my favourite chapters in the Bible. I’ve spoken on the chapter 10+ times in the last couple of years. Some of my thinking on the passage has come from sermons and articles from Tim Keller. I recently read his book, all about Luke 15, The Prodigal God: Recovering the Heart of the Christian Faith. It’s very good.

Here’s a basic overview of each chapter.

  1. The People Around Jesus – one of the keys to understanding this parable is understanding the two kinds of people that have gathered to hear Jesus. There are the tax collectors/sinners and the cranky Pharisees.
  2. The Two Lost Sons – often this parable is focused on the ‘Lost Son’. Keller argues that there are actually two lost sons. The younger brother, just like the tax collector/sinners, is obviously lost. The elder brother, is lost in the same way as the cranky Pharisees.
  3. Redefining Sin – this chapter kicks off with two ways to find happiness: moral conformity, like the elder brother/Pharisees; and self-discovery, like the younger brother/tax collectors. Both are wrong because both are on about self-salvation. Yet both are loved by God. Continue reading “The Prodigal God – By Tim Keller”

John Woodhouse Sermon Goldmine

John Woodhouse isn’t a sexy preacher in the Justin Timberlake mould, his sexiness is more like Johnny Cash. Deep. Thoughtful. Dark hair. The glossy new Moore College website has recently been flooded with 704 John Woodhouse sermons! Sweet.

The only thing that would make them better would be a podcast feed. BUT when you’re mining for gold, it’s worth taking the extra 10 seconds to click ‘download’.

Get to know Jesus better by hearing his word read and explained

Browse the catalogue here.

You’re invited to Moore College Graduation 2010

Whether you’re thinking of studying at Moore College, or just want to be encouraged by the work God is doing in the world through Moore College grads, all are welcome to attend the Moore College Graduation on Monday 15 March. Come and celebrate with the largest group of people graduating from the College in its 154 year history.

Time | 7:30PM Monday, March 15th AD2010.

Location | City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney (this is a pimpin’ sweet venue!)

Free Ministry Resources at New MTS Website

The Ministry Training Strategy (MTS) is “passionate about recruiting and training workers for the vital task of Gospel ministry.” God has done and is doing great things through the ministry of MTS. They’ve recently launched a killer new website. Check it out.

They’ve also generously made available 64 of their training resources. THAT sounds like a good deal! I’m running a workshop on one-to-one discipleship this Saturday and have found Col Marshall’s training paper very handy. Find the resources here. Thanks MTS.

If this post makes no sense. Here’s a website you might find life changing…