I’m leaving Dallas today with a full head, full belly and full heart. Thankful for the hospitality of The Village Church Texas and its people.
I’ve been struck by the centrality of the gospel in all I’ve seen during my visit. The message – of what Christ has done in living the perfect life, dying the death our sin deserves and rising to give new life to all who trust in him – is explicit in church, music, preaching, service leading, prayers, meetings, groups, homes and over meals.
Particularly thankful for the gospel-centred generosity of Dave and Vicky. I’ve learnt so much from them over the last 10 days. They’re an inspiration in the way they love people radically and seek to serve God and his church.
#thevillagechurch #thevillagepeople #DaveInUSYay #DallasForDays #TexasLyf #gospel #gospelcentred #gospelcentered #explicitgospel
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