Happy Australia Day 09. Keep it real.
shout out to susie from the real thing camp for the photo
Today we started at or new church: St Stephen’s Willoughby. We will be part of the 6pm congregation and I will also be running the Sunday afternoon yr7-9 Bible study group.
We were warmly welcomed today by all 3 services. Good times ahead.
Today was hot. 43 Celsius (110 Fahrenheit).
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Here is my Bible Reading plan for 2009: PDF or EXCEL (adpated from bibleyear.com). I plan to read the whole Bible this year. Reading a few chapters from 1 Old Testament book each day and one chapter from 1 New Testament book each day. I think this plan is more achievable than the M’Cheyne/Carson plan that seeks to read the OT once and the NT and Psalms twice each throughout the year from 4 different books per day. Never read the Bible? Start here then here.
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Prince Harry is in trouble again. I reckon how he should behave as a royal, is a little like how a Christian should behave. Harry didn’t do anything to become part of the Royal Family. He doesn’t deserve to be 3rd in line for the throne. But, because he is part of that family, he needs to live worthily of the name he carries. Philippians 1:27 says to live “in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.” Christians don’t deserve to be Christian. Christians don’t deserve to be members of God’s family and co-heirs with Christ. BUT nonetheless they are to live worthily of the name that they carry. Just a thought.
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This will probably be the last post for 2008. Thanks for reading. Stay tuned for regular broadcasting again in January 2009. Believe in Jesus. Peaceout.
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