The Strad 08

We’ve just finished a week with the year 12s from Christ Church on Stradbroke Island. Very good times. I did a 6 part series of talks called “Now What?”. It was super-fun hanging out with the year 12s and their leaders.

We’ve been particularly encouraged by Scott and Nicky (in the pic) this year. They are doing an incredible job in heading up the youth ministry at St Ives.

Top 5 Blog Posts – November 2008

Welkom bij dave miers dot com. Dobrodošli na Dave miers dot com. Bienvenido a Dave Miers punto com. Willkommen bei Dave Miers dot com. Selamat datang ke final miers dot com. Here are the top 5 most viewed/read posts from November 2008.

  1. Paris Hilton and David Beckham
  2. How to run a meeting that doesn’t suck
  3. Very tempting…
  4. Friday Foto #39
  5. Movember 2008

Warm fuzzy if you can name the 5 different languages used in the welcome.

Warm fuzzy for every first time commenter. (If you don’t know what a warm fuzzy is, oh boy, you don’t want to miss out!)

Friday Foto #39

You’ve been waiting for it. I’ve received email after email requesting a photo, and comment after comment from strangers impressed by my moustache growing abilities. It’s quite bushy, no really, it’s just blonde and hard to see from a distance (though it now has a 6.5m visibility threshold). Go on… give my Mo some money!

[click for full and glorious portrait]