Don’t worry about your exams

Exams. I’m allergic to them. Seriously. I haven’t really done any since the HSC. My four year university degree involved lots of essay writing and some fun projects, but only 2 exams. No sweat. Sweat: I have 7 exams coming up very soon for Moore College! I don’t really do stress, but I’m starting to feel a little stressy-bessy about our Greek exam this Friday. I’ve been working hard but not sure if I’ll cut it…

Scott Petty’s sermon at Senior High tonight was particularly aimed at Year 12s getting ready for their HSC exams, but I felt that it was a timely word for my ears. He spoke from Matthew 6 and how Jesus says not to worry about your life (v25), your clothes (v28) or tomorrow (v34). His big question was: Why not worry?

  1. Your life is important to God (v26)
  2. Non-believers run after these things (v32)
  3. Worry about the Kingdom of God and his righteousness (v33)

Resolution: work hard – but keep it all in perspective…

10 Year High School Reunion

Good times in Terrigal last night at the Gosford High School Class of 1998 10 Year Reunion. It was really good. I thought it could be a weird time, but it wasn’t! It was very cool to catch up with peeps I haven’t seen for yonkers and have some great convo’s. I’ve arranged to catch up with a few of them in the coming weeks.

We’ll be doing it all again at Rowena’s 10 year bash in October.

Shout out to Facebook for helping to organise the event.

pic from here

Jesus Life Culture Design #16

Tonight is the Gosford High School Class of 1998 10 Year Reunion. Should be fun. It will be good to turn Facebook stalking into actual conversations. Everyone in 1998 had Green Day’s Time of Your Life as their year 12 song. The vid is below. Peaceout.

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Jesus Life Culture Design #15

Just finishing up a two week break from college. It’s now business time. Only 4 weeks until end of year Greek – I’ve been working hard… but need to work harder!! My prediction for tonight’s Football game: Central Coast Mariners 3 vs Melbourne Victory 1. Hope you’re having a killer weekend.

Special feature this week in JLCD. Below are the top 10 most clicked posts from Feb-Sep on DMDC:

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Defending the Rights of the Unborn

I hate abortion. And so I am encouraged by the work of Christian Pastor John Piper in defending the rights of the unborn. Likewise the Abort73 website is doing a great job in standing up for the helpless. In Victoria, some changes to decriminalise abortion have been passed through the Lower House, but still need to be passed through the Upper House. It’s not too late to act! Below are two incredible videos from a speech given by a survivor of abortion. Take 15 minutes to watch. Then pray and act.

Gianna Jessen Abortion Survivor in Australia Part 1:

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