Web Watch Wrap #5

Are these weekly Web Watch Wraps helpful? Yes? No? Maybe? Welcome to 2 new features for the weekly web watch wrap. 1) A list of dave miers dot com posts from the last week. 2) A list of the most recent search terms used to get to this site.

web watch wrap

#1 is pretty lame. But #2 is often quite interesting! As a special treat – I will insert all the search terms used to get to this site since it was launched 6 weeks ago.

Continue reading “Web Watch Wrap #5”

iTunes + iPod Top25

Do you have an iPod and/or use iTunes? If yes, you are invited to share your current “Top 25 Most Played” tracks. Mine are below. It’s not totally accurate – I’ve just loaded a bunch of new albums – so it will look quite different in a few months time. If you blog your top 25 – let me know in the comments and I’ll give you some linkage. If you don’t have a blog – feel free to leave them in the comments. If you want to save time – just put your top 5 or 10.

lior beyonce crowder

  1. Alphabet – Steve Yoell (greek stuff)
  2. Forever – Revive
  3. Who you are – Revive
  4. Autumn Flow – Lior
  5. Crazy in Love – Beyonce & Jay-Z Continue reading “iTunes + iPod Top25”

Pray for BCC

My 10 month old nephew, BCC, is having a major lung operation on Thursday. He has fantastic parents who love Jesus and love their children. Many parents choose to end the life of their babies if there are complications in pregnancy. That thought didn’t cross their minds.

bcc and me

30000 hits

dave miers dot com has just hit 30,000 hits. Wow! That number might seem high, but it includes hits from my old blog as well. Thanks for reading.

30000 hits

Medical Testimony Against Abortion

There is abundant medical evidence that life begins at fertilization, so much so that even the abortion industry cannot deny the claim…” WATCH THIS VIDEO – it isn’t graphic – it simply shows some statistics and quotes to back up the above claim. My abhorrence of abortion is increasing.

“Every abortion kills one of the most helpless members of the human community.” Will you help the helpless?

(h/t Abe Piper)