Eternal Weight of Glory

This is the final ‘official’ post on this blog. It’s been a fun ride blogging on eternal weight of glory. Thanks for reading and commenting.

I’m going to finish this blog with the words that started it:

[16] So we do not lose heart. Though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed day by day. [17] For this slight momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, [18] as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. 2 Cor. 4:16-18 (ESV)

I’m glad that through the death of Jesus, this life and it’s afflictions are only slight and momentary compared to the glory that is to come.

Is this it then? NO!! Stay tuned for a new RSS feed, a new blog and a new adventure!

Cling to Jesus

We had our last night at CCEC tonight. The plan is to be back in a year, but we’ll see what happens. (See here and here for earlier reports and stay tuned for more about ’08).

I’ve been thinking tonight about what type of legacy I want left after 10 years of youth ministry. While there are lots of positive things that I hope we’ve left behind, there is one thing that I hope will be a legacy that will last for generations.

It’s been said by a number of different church and gospel analysts (it may have come from Phillip Jensen?) that the gospel is never far from being lost from one generation to the next.

  • Step 1 – they preach the gospel (here’s one clear explanation of the gospel [the goodnews of Jesus])
  • Step 2 – they assume the gospel
  • Step 3 – they neglect the gospel
  • Step 4 – they reject/deny the gospel

Each step may be only slight, but the implications for taking each step are massive. Those that assume and neglect the gospel, may well still believe it, but the great danger is that through their assumptions and neglect the gospel is in danger of not being passed onto the next generation.

I spoke with a number of leaders this afternoon about the need to keep preaching the gospel. Obviously we aim to preach the gospel to the 40,000 Central Coast teenagers who don’t know Jesus. BUT we need to preach to more people than just the lost who haven’t yet heard it.

My hope is that CCECYOUTH will be known for being a Jesus-Proclaiming, Cross-Centred, Gospel-Guarding youth group where the leaders preach the gospel:

  • to themselves daily
  • to each other
  • to the Christian teens in our program
  • to teenagers who don’t know Jesus

Paul in 1 Cor 15 was desperate for the Corinthian Christians to keep trusting in the gospel, that he reminded them once again what was of first importance.

Jesus died for our sins. He was buried.
Jesus rose. He appeared.

Don’t forget it! Keep clinging to Jesus. Are you in danger of assuming, neglecting or denying the goodnews of Jesus? Keep proclaiming Jesus dead, buried and risen to yourself and others.

A-League 0708 Minor Premiership

I planned on going to watch Central Coast Mariners vs Wellington Pheonix tonight. BUT 3/5s of the crew I was going with wanted to watch it at the pub (softies!). It was easier to stay dry in the pub – and probably a bit more comfortable too. It was a fun night. Giddy up the Mariners!

At the start of this round (the final regular season round) the top 4 were all equal on goal difference. This is rare and set up for an exciting finish to the season.

Newcastle won 2-1 last night (watch the goals)
Mariners won 2-0 tonight (watch the goals)

It means that currently Mariners are leading on goal difference over Newcastle.
Sydney and Queensland both have difficult matches tomorrow night (Sunday).

If QLD wins. They will be minor premiers. Sydney have to hope that QLD draw or lose and that they win by 2 or more to beat the Mariners.

My tip: Mariners should make the top 2 (this is important). I think there’s a good chance that both Syd and QLD will be pushed hard in their matches – and one of them is bound to slip up. Best scenario is Melbourne drawing or beating Sydney and Adelaide drawing or beating QLD. QLD will probably win with Mariners second.

What’s your tip for the A-League minor premiership???

PS. Check out Dale’s Blog. He’s been ripping it to shreds with sports posts. Go leave him a comment… he’s a man longing for more comments!

Blog Watch #2

Some 2008 blog action from some friends (mainly real + a couple of virtual).

If you are a friend and you’re not up there – it’s cos you haven’t blogged since last year – or I don’t know your address. Leave it in the comments.

ps – 2 warm fuzzies if you can identify the location of the above sign…

EDIT: Can’t make it to New York in time for church this Sunday??? Watch a New York City Sermon unfold on the blogosphere… The Invisibility of God #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15 from Moff Dogs.