Hey punks. Here’s the latest episode (#85) of On the Poddy. It’s now got a new RSS feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/ccec_podcast – Go change it in iTunes now.
Judge Rules in Sermon Sharing Scandal
This is it, this time I know it’s the real thing
In November 2005 and November 2006, I tried to get healthy. I had only short term results:
- 2005 maximum 108kg
- 2005 minimum 101kg
- 2005 result 7kgs lost
- 2006 maximum 111kg
- 2006 minimum 104kg
- 2006 result 7kgs lost
But on both occasions I didn’t stick at it. The problem? I tried too much of a quick fix solution. If you stop eating you will lose weight. So I stopped eating. Sort of. I cut out as many Kilojoules (or Calories) as possible and went on special health shakes. However, I didn’t really make any lifestyle changes.
In a health magazine I picked up somewhere, it said that it normally takes a few attempts for a health kick to kick in. I think it’s kicked in! Two failed attempts… but this time I know it’s the real thing.
The results:
- October 16 2007 = 114kg
- December 13 2007 = 104kg
- 2007 result so far = 10kgs lost
The difference? Regular exercise. I’ve been going to the gym 4 or 5 times per week. I have been cutting out Kilojoules, but once I reach my weight loss goals I’ll gradually increase them.
My next goals:
- 100kgs by Christmas (if not New Years)
- 95kgs by the start of college (feb 2008)
- Evaluation. Set a lower goal? Or stay at 95kgs?
Why 95kg? That’s what I was when I was 18 and fit and healthy.
Why at all? Health is good. I want to serve Jesus for as long as possible.
Has spending 6hours+ a week doing exercise diminished my current work? No not at all. I think I’m more productive and better managing my time.
Get fit fool.
Prior Coverage:
3 warm fuzzies up for grabs. Q1 Name the song that the title of this post comes from. Q2 Name the artist. Q3 Name the year the song was released as a single. YOU CAN ONLY ANSWER 1 QUESTION… and they must be in order…
More sex, more booze, more toys
According to a survey (h/t CraigS), teenagers are getting more sex, more booze and more toys. Drugs and smoking aren’t as popular. The survey shows teens are wealthier and more materialistic.
The results seem to be consistent with my observations of local teenagers. Some of the young guys I’ve met through the gym and high school scripture are very serious about their health (they want to look hot) and staying clear from drugs – yet they like hooking up with chicks and drinking beer – preferably at the same time! Likewise everyone has an iPod, an Xbox 360, a PlayStation 3 and a boxed set of their 10 favourite TV shows.
I was never allowed to get a gameboy. I’m glad. I think my parents helped me not to be as materialistic as I could be…
The Gospel – Mark Driscoll
Streetbrand Magazine
Just stumbled onto Streetbrand Magazine: youth culture, faith talk, positive living.
I haven’t read enough to comment on the quality of the content… but had a quick look at their latest issue and it seems to be good with cultural engagement and design/presentation.
Stay tuned for a new issue of the best teenage magazine on the internet… need I say the name? J-walk (just in case you’ve lived a sheltered life!)
Fluoro Party Pic
Good times @ Friday night’s Fluoro Party. Stay tuned for more pics, a podcast and another world record attempt video…