The Rebel’s Guide to Joy – Johnny Cash
Row and Dave
Went and saw Nicole’s final artwork for uni last night. Good times in Newcastle.
>New post on
>Camps this weekend
>Free Rice
2 Warm fuzzies for the name of the cafe and the street it’s on.
Justin Buzzard on Rob Bell
Rob Bell, the gods aren't angry tour: San Francisco (Some Reflections & Concerns)
I just read Buzzard's thoughtful critique of Rob Bell's latest tour. If you are familiar with Bell's popular nooma videos, it would be helpful to read it to get a better idea of Bell's 'gospel'. I haven't heard Bell live, but having listened to some of his sermons and having read Velvet Elvis, agree with Buzzard's concerns. Buzzard provides a timely reminder of the good news of Jesus' death for our sins, absorbing the anger of God. "I'm a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior." (John Newton)
Walt Mueller on engaging with youth culture
Why I Don't Live in the Bunker: Reflections on the Youth Worker's Place in Culture (I haven't read this – just bookmarking to read later)
saturday EV’s youth ministry
I’m guest blogging on for the next couple of weeks. In my first post I talk about saturdayEV’s youth ministry. Check out some of their sermons while you’re there. Peaceout.
Note to self: learn Greek
Yesterday I shared one of my super-powers . My aim is to not use it when it comes to learning Greek. Therefore… I need to start learning more Greek NOW! Not in 3 months time.
The Resurgence have just relaunched a sweet Greek-Bible tool. Check out RE:GREEK. It looks pretty good. Anyone used it much yet?