Went with some peeps to see the Brendan Berlach Trio (+ some other local bands) at Lizotte’s tonight (Wed). Check some of his music over at myspace.
Good jazz. Good food. Good friends. Good times.
Went with some peeps to see the Brendan Berlach Trio (+ some other local bands) at Lizotte’s tonight (Wed). Check some of his music over at myspace.
Good jazz. Good food. Good friends. Good times.
I read the whole of Galatians yesterday with Dale. Super-encouraging time. One of the things that stood out to me while we were reading were the number of contrasts in the book. It would be easy to have a series on Galatians contrasting the different ideas. Here’s a few (in no particular order) that I think are present:
Good times. Dale can you think of any more?
Warm fuzzy to the first non-Central Coast resident who can name the two streets at this intersection…
For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. 1 Corinthians 2:2
It's taken a week to work out what to write for my 500th post. I couldn't go do any better than the above verse.
Do you read this blog? Thanks for reading. If you've never left a comment before… do it now. Peaceout.
Dan has some great reflections on visual art within Christianity. Here’s a snippet:
All of that being said, Best argues that artifacts should be part of the christian life, not as a way of explaining the gospel, but as offerings of worship to the creator God. I draw a picture as an expression of the creativity God has given me, and people can see his creative nature through my work. He gets glory from art. Artifacts are offerings, not tracts.
The virus scanner that came with my computer 18 months ago, ran out over the last few days. I’ve started using the free scanner avast again. It’s very good if you need a sweet freebie!
My ccec address has been getting 30+ spam emails per day. This has been annoying! I found a free spam killer this morning. It’s called spamfighter and it syncs in well with Outlook. It works!! I was away from my computer this arvo for about 4 hours and the filter put all the junk in the spam folder and all the legit things in my inbox. Giddy up.
Shout out to Ivan Harris. This is his entry from this year’s ignite short film comp.
Greg Stier has written a great article over at youthministry.com Here’s a snippet:
Let’s face it. Most of us look at the clean cut Mormon missionaries that peddle the streets of our city and knock on the doors of our houses as somewhat out of date. Although they are kind and well spoken young men, when they knock on our doors we either don’t answer or tell them we are already Christians who reject Mormonism and bid them good day.
We think to ourselves how “behind the times” these young people are forced to be when they are required to do door-to-door evangelism for their religion. We reflect on how grateful we are that we have the truth once and for all delivered to the saints. We may even think about how much more superior our youth ministry strategies are compared to theirs…
Read here how he suggests maybe we have some things to learn from them. He’s got some really helpful stuff to say while clearly distancing himself from Mormonism.
Whether you’ve read the article or not, what do you think we can learn from the Mormon’s on doing youth ministry (and ministry in general)?
Guessing comp: On which famous Sydney street is this soccer-loving cafe situated?