Last week we started a new series on On the Poddy. It’s called coast youth radio. Each episode we plan to talk about a different issues for Central Coast teenagers (I’m sure it’s applicable more broadly than the Central Coast). The first episode was on boredom.
I’ve been thinking further this week about teenagers, the Central Coast and boredom. When you ask the typical non-teenager what they love about the Central Coast the answer: the lifestyle (check out this vid). People move to the Central Coast to escape the Sydney rat-race. They love that the Central Coast is so close to the biggest city in Australia… but far enough away that they feel like they are in paradise.
Why, then, do teenagers fail to see the joys of the Central Coast lifestyle? Why are they bored? Isn’t the Central Coast paradise on earth? When do teenagers stop being bored and start seeing the goodness of the Central Coast lifestyle?
I don’t have an answer. Maybe it’s because they’ve been brought up on entertainment and they are now bored by their Xbox 720? Maybe their parents are enjoying the lifestyle so much that they are neglecting their teenager? Maybe they don’t have an imagination? I dunno?
Ultimately – you don’t come to Jesus because you are bored… but for an eternal cure to boredom – spend some time gazing upon the Lord Jesus Christ. See him. Savour him. Trust him.