Crown Him With Many Crowns

I posted a dodgy mp3 earlier on this year… tonight I took footage of my favourite hymn re-write. Shout out to the old guy who wrote the original. Shout out to Dan who changed the music and some lyrics. Check it out

(I was bummed that I couldn't sing – if I did – it would have sounded terrible me shouting into the phone!!)

Teenagers and Sex – smh

Yesterday’s smh had a number of articles about teenage relationships and sex.

Article 1: Let’s talk about sleepovers – this was an interesting article. Teenagers are painted in a more positive light than they were in the smh articles on the Central Coast. Maybe they only interviews North Shore private school kids??

Quiz enough parents and you’ll learn that 15-year-olds have friends all over town and from various walks of life. You’ll hear about group sleepovers; boys and girls munching pizzas and watching DVDs as innocent companions. Today’s teens, the experts agree, are more relaxed with the opposite sex, more tolerant, more demanding of gender equality than previous generations – and angry when the reality falls short of their expectations.

The article also spoke about a new(ish) practise called “been claimed”. Have you heard of it? I hadn’t until this article.

Article 2: Ignore the experts – we kids really are all right (scroll down to the bottom of the page) – the 15 year old author of this article, Gideon Reisner, he’s one smart articulate young dude!! Again it’s a positive piece saying that teenagers are okay. Teenagers get lots of negative media on Today Tonight and other high quality current affairs programs. He was confident that the vast majority of blokes in his year 10 grade at school were still virgins and alright people. With great insight – he recognises that there are 3 areas of life that are most important to modern teenagers. Relationships. Technology. Alcohol.

Article 3: Abstinence makes the heart grow fonder, and the mind a little wiser – I haven’t read much from Lisa Pryor before – but this introduction to her world view and logic was disturbing.

Teenagers should not rush into sexual intercourse. Not for the sake of morality, but for the sake of good sex. There are plenty of pro-sex reasons for delaying sex, and there is no reason why religious abstinence programs should have a monopoly on this message.

Go have a read and a vomit.

In conclusion – there was some helpful stuff in yesterday’s paper (and some terrible stuff too!). But here’s what was missing…

Jesus. He’s the hope of the world. He’s the hope of generation y teenagers. His way for sex is the best design. So if you’re a teenager reading this – Jesus says don’t do sex outside of marriage. If you belong to Jesus – listen to him – he knows what’s best. If you don’t belong to Jesus. Check him out. He loves you. He died for people like you… and what he offers is far greater and much more satisfying (both now and into eternity) than a teenage quickie in your mates garden.

saturday EV launch

Last night saturdayEV officially kicked off. They’ve been meeting together for 6 months… but yesterday was the public launch. It was fantastic!! Great vibe. Lots of people. There were about 130!! 50 that are already hooked up with the crew, 50 supporters from CCEC and beyond, and 30 random people (I think mostly non-Christian who’d been invited along… praise God!). The music was superb. The intro from Tim and Andrew Heard was great. Tim’s sermon was an inspiring vision setting talk. He’s already put it online. Go check it out here (RSS feed). Check out the video he refers to in the talk here.

Below is some gear I put together for them to help with the launch. I didn’t have to do much – they were great pics – I just put some text on them and then added some simple info to the back!

Business Card:



Prayer Friday #33 + staurdayEV launch

OBSERVATION: Apart from Christ people are lost (Acts 4:12). There are many people on the Central Coast who need to hear the glorious news of Jesus. I’m excited. I’m excited about a new Jesus proclaiming venture on the Central Coast. It’s been underground for the last 6 months, above ground for the last 3 weeks, and is set to publicly launch tomorrow night. What is it? SaturdayEV. Tim Baldwin and the core crew have done a great job in getting things ready to go to reach coastal people with the goodnews of Jesus. Business cards. Postcards. Posters. Mock websites. Personal invitations. All of these things are driven by an overwhelming desire for lost people to be found in Jesus.

>>DOUBLE up tonight at CCECYOUTH
>>Get some rest on Saturday
>>SaturdayEV public launch tomorrow night
>>cafe del freeo for sunday nite crew

cafe del freeo

this saturday nite. august 11. 730pm
bakehouse cafe, fountain plaza, erina
good music. good coffee. good talk. good times