Technorati top 15 – 22 July

1. harry potter
2. harry potter spoiler
3. noelia
4. el jueves
5. youtube
6. ron paul
7. deathly hallows
8. xu jinglei
9. bebo
10. "el jueves"
11. iphone
12. galilea montijo
13. paris hilton
14. descargar
15. google

Prayer Firday #30 + dale has landed

IAGREEWITHDALE.COM is live and ready for fresh content each week this term. IAWD is our attempt at adding some extra energy to this term – to fight the winter blues! Let me know what you think of the site.


  • Thank God for shred hotham. Good times. No deaths. Talks went well. Pray for conversions to be genuine
  • Pray for term 3 at ccecyouth
  • Row is speaking tonight to juniors from Daniel 1 and 2 – God is not dead.
  • I’m kicking off a series on the Cross tonight at seniors.

Garage Hymnal – new album

GH have a new album out in August: Bring on the Day. I’ve just been listening to some of their tracks on MySpace. Sounds sweet. Looking forward to the album coming out. (Listen to GH on the Poddy.)

How Long? has a bit of an R&B feel to it. It’s hot like butter… that’s fo shizzle! It sounds a bit like a Mariah Carey and Boyz II Men collaboration!**

**Note to self: don’t let blog readers know I have a collection of 7 Boyz II Men and 2 Mariah Carey CD’s

Saved by the Bell

How good was Saved by the Bell!!! Ode to early 90s Saturday morning TV. Some people used to call me Screech. I’m not sure if it was because of my afro hair, annoying personality or a combination of the two.