People often talk about the weather. I think it might be a polite way of saying that I have no other way of interacting with you than talking about the weather. That’s okay. It’s actually an opportunity to interact with people in your community and build a relationship with them. Neighbours, Cafe owners, Check out chicks, mechanics, other parents, the bus driver, etc…
Jesus. He’s the most important subject anyone can talk about. Imagine if you had a couple of extra insights into the weather… it would help you to engage with someone for a few more moments… and hopefully it will lead to a conversation about Jesus (not necessarily immediately).
Got it? Having something to say other than “yeah, it is hot” might mean you can make a more meaningful attempt at getting in conversation with someone. There are a whole bunch of desk top widgets (mac, google, yahoo) that have weather trackers. Matt, a friend from church, works for weatherzone. They have a great tracker with accurate details and other little pop-up bits with weather warnings etc. Spend a minute a day glancing at this tracker so that you can point people to Jesus – the Lord of the weather.