Prayer Friday #27 + Gen Y SMS

Observation: the best digital medium for contacting Gen Y peeps on the Central Coast is SMS. Email, web, myspace, facebook, etc… are all good things… but Gen Y peeps have their mobile phones with them at all times. I send out emails each week to leaders, we have a youth group website, we have a weekly breaking news email… but if I want an instant and reliable response from leaders – SMS is the way to go.

Why am I saying this? Just thought of it. If I think of something again on a Prayer Friday – I might post it again! Stay tuned for the next observation…


1) Thank God for the gospel of Jesus.
2) Pray for swingintoaction – still need to sign up more campers
3) Pray for LOST N FOUND Bible talks & studies that I’m preparing
4) Pray that I’d pray more. Pray that you’d pray more.

It’s all about JESUS. Trust him. Love him.

ps – Ben reckons this is the funniest 5 second vid on the net… what do you think?
pps – Dave vs Dan: 1-0.

UPDATE: Andy M wants friends

Don Carson: What is the gospel?

The Gospel Coalition site isn’t yet ready – but has just released the video and the audio of Don Carson’s first talk: WHAT IS THE GOSPEL. It’s very good. His primary text is 1 Corinthians 15:1-19. Have a listen or a watch. (Since getting broadband – I like to watch). Go subscribe in iTunes to help knock the nut cases out of the top 10! Here’s something of a summary:

Eight Summarising Words

  1. The gospel is Christological.
  2. The gospel is theological.
  3. The gospel is biblical.
  4. The gospel is apostolic.
  5. The gospel is historical.
  6. The gospel is personal.
  7. The gospel is universal.
  8. The gospel is eschatological.

Five Clarifying Sentences

  1. This gospel is normally disseminated in proclamation.
  2. This gospel is fruitfully received in authentic persevering faith.
  3. This gospel is properly disclosed in the context of personal self-humiliation.
  4. This gospel is rightly asserted to be the central confession of the whole church.
  5. This gospel is boldly advancing under the contested reign and inevitable victory of Christ the King.

Taking Stock

  1. It is striking how cognitive the gospel is.
  2. The gospel is not the gospel if it remains exclusively cognitive.
  3. The gospel must transform all realms of our lives.

Check more detailed notes here.

Free album download: Take me in

I’m the Prince of free and legal downloads. (I’d written ‘King’ but changed it because I’m sure there’s people who apply more time and energy and are therefore more deserving of the title!). Row’s friend Murray has released a live worship album online for free download under this Creative Commons license. I’ve only listened to it once, so I’m not willing to give the album an outright endorsement! But it seems to have some good tunes and the sound & production quality is very good. Take me in is conveniently found in 1 zip file (lyrics and chord charts are found in the resources page). Have a listen and let me know what you think.

My top 6 free AND legal music download sites:

  • music recorded live at mars hill church (gold! i love the brothers of the empty tomb…)
  • iTunes have 1 free track per week (this is a regular stop)
  • (too much to listen to – I’ve checked out lots of the Roots gear)
  • other triple j free music (particularly during november – ausmusicmonth)
  • (haven’t been there for a while… but got lots!)
  • artist’s myspace and personal websites (if can’t download – you can listen)

Paul Potts has got talent

I just watched the above video again. It’s stunning! The Britain’s Got Talent finals have now happened and you can view Paul Potts and his winning performances below…

The best performance was his audition video (the one above). The judges had written him off… but they and the audience were humbled by his mesmerising performance. If you only have time to watch one video – watch the audition one above.

Eternalweightofglory talent quest: If you were back at school – what would your compulsory entry into the talent quest be?

Swing into Action 2007

Swing into Action is a Youthworks holiday camp that I’ve been involved in for the past 10 years. We are struggling for campers this year. It’s a great camp – and we’ve got more room for teenagers to hear the glorious news of Jesus! Please pray – but also if you have Christian teenagers in your family, church or youth group – encourage them to come along. It’s for year 7-11’s from 1-6 July @ Blue Gum Lodge Springwood.

I’ve been in bed all day today. So I made a myspace page for camp. Check it out. It has all the info about camp + online rego.

Youth Ministry: Fighting term three blues II

Last week I spoke about how to fight term 3 blues in youth ministry. After a few months of planning, Dale, Nicole and I began phase 1 of our term 3 campaign with a photo shoot at Terrigal beach. Friday night we did a soft, teaser-like launch at youth group. Here is the flyer (pdf).

And drum roll… Here is the special website:

We haven’t really given anything away yet. We’ve simply said – term 2 was good… but term 3 is going to be even better! I’m looking forward to the fun stuff we’ve got planned (stay tuned for more details) for term 3 – but I’m really looking forward to what we’ll be looking at in the Bible. As part of what we’ll be looking at with seniors we’ve told them that every week next term will be a good week to bring a friend.

Do you lead a youth group? Any plans yet for fighting term 3 blues?