Found Dog: Riley

Yep. I’m not an animal person… but I worried more about this dog over the last 24 hours than any other animal ever!! I covered a few more streets this morning (about 30kms of looping around) – I even checked in some rivers and creeks! Row did a stake-out at the Pound in case someone came in. They did… he wasn’t there. BUT at midday we got a call. A vet had him over night. Giddy up. He’s back. I did more than just fill in the hole where he escaped… it’s now impenetrable!

Thanks Riley for giving me an illustration for camp.

Lost Dog: Riley

Dan and Ren’s dog Riley came to stay at our place for the weekend. He had other plans. Somewhere between 930 and 1130 this morning, Riley dug his way to freedom. We’ve spent 60kms, 3.5 hours, and endless tears searching for him. No avail. We’ve knocked on doors, we’ve been to the pound – twice, we’ve been on every single street in our suburb!

Last seen: on his way to the Elanora Pub. (Seriously – seen by a neighbour!).

If you live on the Coast – keep an eye out – he’s never been lost overnight before – and it’s bucketing down with rain. We prayed just before. Not sure how to pray for a dog – but thanked God for animals – thanked God for the dominion we have over them – and said sorry for failing in our dominionv(sounding like 2WTL!). Prayed also that we’d find Dan and Ren’s friend.

Repost if you have a blog.

PS – Riley looks like a Tasmanian Tiger…

Prayer Friday #26

Prayer is good. I believe in the God of Ephesians 3:20-21. Do you?

>Thank God for coast youth REVOLUTION. Small night (storms). But miracle that even 80 people made it out. 1 girl became a Christian!!
>Pray for talk prep for a couple of holiday camps I’m speaking on in the holidays.
>One of those camps is full. One isn’t. Pray it would fill.

The talks: LOST AND FOUND from Luke’s Gospel.
Key Verse: “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.” Luke 19:10
Series Aim:

a) To see that Jesus came to seek and save the lost
b) To see that we are lost and need to be found
c) To see that only Jesus can find us.

Can you think of any LOST AND FOUND stories? Leave them in the comments. Thanks.

Dan Godden and David Crowder

DAN GODDEN has a new blog address. Change your bookmarks and RSS feeds etc… Who’s Dan Godden? Go watch these two videos for more…

I’ve just been for a walk (thanks Mark Driscoll for the reminder to exercise) and I’m loving O Praise Him (video above) by the David Crowder Band. It has a reasonable beat… it makes me walk faster and has some great throne room words about Jesus. I feel like I’m in a film clip as I walk down the street listening!

If you could be in a film clip – what song would it be?

Youth Ministry: Fighting term three blues

My observation is that term 3 is traditionally a bluesy term in youth ministry (in fact in any ministry). In Australia it’s the coldest term and the term that is most likely to have people disappear from your ministry. Here’s 3 tips to fight term 3 blues:

  • Recognise that it’s the bluesy term
  • Don’t be boring and make it worse
  • Give the term something extra that will create a bit more vibe and energy. It might be more evangelistic events, it might be something crazy, it might be flashing lights, it might be…

If you can get through term 3 without losing droves of peeps – it will mean that in term 4 you can grow rather than re-build. Does that make sense? You can build your numbers rather than trying to find those that have disappeared.

We have some sweet plans for this year’s term 3… wheels are currently in motion… I’ll let you know soon of the crazy plans. Big. Big would be an understatement.

Got any ideas (tested or not) on fighting term 3 blues?

Youth Ministry: cyREVOLUTION mp3s

We’ve had some great speakers at coast youth REVOLUTION.

Tim’s talk from Friday night has just been upload. It was a great night. RSS feed: (go download in iTunes – it’s currently ranked 21!!! EDIT: It made it as high as 14!!)