New J-walk and enemies of the gospel

Busy times.  Currently finishing J-Walk (it will be a must read/listen issue), a wedding sermon for Saturday, and a Philippians sermon for Sunday night.  Listened/watched this sermon yesterday by Mark Driscoll.  He spoke about how IDOLATRY and RELIGION are the biggest enemies of the gospel.  IDOLATRY: for the non-Christian.  RELIGION: for the "Christian".  Good stuff.

Central Coast Mariners Spotting

Just finished meeting with Rhett and I’m now doing some work at a nice cafe in Wamberal (with free internet) and have just noticed some Central Coast Mariners arrive.

5 warm fuzzies for the name of player 1 (closest)
5 warm fuzzies for the name of player 2
5 warm fuzzies for the name of the Wamberal cafe

15 warm fuzzies up for grabs.
No more than 5 warm fuzzies per person.