Youth Ministry: J-Walk issue #003

Here is our latest J-Walk magazine. There is also a short podcast on the same page.

After 3 issues, the magazine has been a lot more successful than I imagined. All of our ccecyouth crew have hooked straight in and are lapping it up.

If you are a youth minister or youth leader, feel free to use our material with your teens… but even better… make your own!! It’s really not that hard. Get a few people to write short articles… find someone with artistic talents to make a cover and giddy up! Feel free to pass on a link to our j-walk site to people who might be interested.

Have you had a read? What do you think?

Prayer Friday #20

Thanks for praying.

Thank God for those who started following Jesus on phat007
Thank God for sweet holidays
Ask God that he would keep being at work this term at ccecyouth
Pray that I’d have a productive and godly term

Question: What worldwide super famous band are these people dancing to? Big prizes on offer…

Youth Ministry: Going Global

In our attempt to ‘go global’, On the Poddy has been featured in the May edition of Southern Cross. If you’ve missed all the ‘Poddy Royale’ episodes – go and listen now! (Have you played our game?)

Below is the first part of the article:

One of the top rating internet radio shows amongst Australian teenagers was born in the toilet of Central Coast Evangelical Church’s youth minister.

The low-budget, low-effort weekly chat show is regularly ranked in the Top 50 Australian iTunes downloads. On occassion it has peaked in the Top 10 with nearly 1,000 subscribers.

“And sometimes this even happens when we don’t rig the number of downloads!” laughs youth minister and radio show host, Dave Miers.


Tassie Tour Journal Day 10

Back to Australia. This is what greeted us as when we emerged from the big boat. Melbourne. Good trip home.

Reflections on Tasmania:

  • In the words of Juan Antonio Samaranch: Best. Holiday. Ever.
  • The people aren’t that weird
  • Not all the women have mullets
  • Everyone waits for the little green man to appear before crossing the street. Row thinks that it’s because people aren’t in a hurry.
  • It may be because of their isolation from the rest of humanity, but Tasmanians are very proud. They think that they’ve got something pretty good that the rest of Australia are missing out on. They may not be too far from the truth!
  • More people follow the Aussie Rules football than follow Jesus
  • Pray for more churches and ministries that will proclaim Jesus: who died for our sins, was buried, was raised from the dead and then appeared. (1 Cor 15:3-6)

Have you missed our Tassie Tour Journal? Check it out here:

Dave + Row. April 07.

ps – we didn’t really sleep in the lifeboat – but the seas were pretty rough…
pps – thanks for joining us on our adventure (what was your favourite day of our holiday???)

Tassie Tour Journal Day 9

Last day in Tasmania. Spent the day in the car. Buying some birthday presents. Eating. This lunch was fantastic. French stick. Cheese. Cascade Ginger Beer and Apple stuff. Killing time in Devonport waiting for the boat. (Coffee freaks – no Starbucks… so we had a coffee that you guys may have approved of!)

We noticed this sign that said there was only one lifeboat. So when we heard the Captain say that the seas had officially got rough and crazy, and having seen the movie about the ‘unsinkable’ Titanic, we decided to sleep IN the lifeboat. Not comfortable. But reassuring.

Tassie Tour Journal Day 8

We left Hobart with some lovely coffee. Shout out to all my coffee snob friends and family (esp Andy M and Guthers… EDIT: + Michelle)

Ross is this little town about 76kms out of Launceston. Quaint. Used to have a women’s prison during the convict days. PS. I heart Row.

Launceston. We’re pretty much over the tourist thing. Went for a walk down some gorge. Water was ugly. Air was nice.

Worst meal of Tassie? Chinese from the food hall in Launceston. Don’t ever, ever, ever, ever buy Chinese from food court… it’s been sitting there all day… what were you thinking David!! Dessert was good. Pancakes. Yum. Here’s a free add for some businesses on Charles Street.

“We preach Christ crucified.” Saw this on a church over the road from the food hall. It made up for the bad meal. Do you know Jesus? Read more here