Today is ANZAC day. Watched the 11am march through the main drag of Hobart. Thankful for sacrifice of Australians. Thankful most of all for Jesus’ sacrifice (1 John 4:10).
Port Arthur. Expensive. Worth it. Tour was great. We’ve enjoyed checking out Heritage buildings, learning about Convicts and becoming better acquainted with 19th Century ‘Justice’. Moved by reflecting on the events of 28th April 1996.
I heart Hobart. Launceston was next on the itinerary. But… we are staying in Hobart one more night. Yes. We’ve taken a stack of Hobart building pics. Here’s a few. 300 was the movie of choice for Wednesday night. Dave: I liked that movie. Row: Why? Dave: The violence. Did you like the movie? Row: Yes. Dave: Why? Row: The violence.