For a long time I have made jokes about Tasmanians having 3 arms. Confirmation: it’s true. From the moment we woke up on The Spirit of Tasmania this morning – we saw nothing but weird people. Odd people. Nutty people. They must have been in hiding last night and only came into light when we pulled into the shores of Devonport. Mullets are indeed a fashionable item on women down here.
First stop. Penguin: A town that allegedly has a Penguin population of 3000. The penguins here look more like seagulls. The only normal looking penguins weren’t normal at all – they were made of plastic and one was twice the size of Row! The town of Penguin has a problem with scooters riding skateboards.
Sign 1: Wrong. The best water in Australia comes straight out of the taps here in Tasmania!
Sign 2: Wrong. It’s a trick
Sign 3: Wrong. Beware of Tasmanian Devils – yes. Beware of Tasmanian Tigers – maybe. Beware of Traffic – definitely not! There is no traffic… maybe that’s why there is a need to beware – there isn’t much – so beware it might come out of nowhere?
Sign 4: Wrong. No ice today (wait a month of two…)
We went for a great walk around Dove Lake below Cradle Mountain. Magnificent! Best. Bushwalk. Ever. It’s difficult to look at such a marvellous creation without seeing the handiwork of a Creator. The Chateau that we stayed at was very nice – good Devonshire Tea (coffee) and a great Art Exhibition. Most of the exhibits were photos from Tasmania. Favourite photo: a bear too smart for a salmon.