Cut vs Buff

Yesterday I used a new gym membership provided by Row’s employer for a super cheap price. It’s a great deal, it’s cheap, and you can go to almost any gym or pool on the Central Coast! The bike and treadmill that I used yesterday each had an individual TV built-in – so it was great to watch the English Premier League highlights!!

My weight loss goals are going well. But the question I’ve been asked by a number of people is whether I’m going to get buffed up now that I’ve got this sweet pass. My answer – No – I’d rather be cut.

What’s BUFF? I could easily be buff cos I’m already big – but I don’t want to be a big-bulky-beefcake. What’s CUT? I think cut is when you are well defined but not so big that you have to go through the door sideways! I figure I want to be fit and healthy for 2 reasons: 1) It’s a good thing and 2) So that I can run longer in the Christian life. I figure if I can’t look after myself at 26 then it will be pretty difficult at 46 or 56.

Do you gym it up? Aiming for BUFF or CUT???

I’m off to go for a swim with my fancy new pass…

4 Replies to “Cut vs Buff”

  1. Since starting ministry training at church my fitness has improved immensely. As trainees we do a fair bit of exercise – riding bikes around town and swimming at the UQ pool. At times we think that we’ve got 2 Tim 4v8 around the wrong way!

  2. Wow Dave, from the looks of that picture, you’ve been in the sun a bit since I saw you last!

    As for me, I’m going for cut – would take a lot of protein supplement for me to get buff!

  3. Oops – sorry about the anonymous comment above – I thought I was logged in.

    I was thinking more about this post as I was riding my bike – I reckon I use those words the other way round, but maybe that’s because I always use a tonne of sarcasm whenever I use the word “buff”.

  4. Since starting ministry training at church my fitness has improved immensely. As trainees we do a fair bit of exercise – riding bikes around town and swimming at the UQ pool. At times we think that we’ve got 2 Tim 4v8 around the wrong way!

    that might be my danger at the moment.

    Wow Dave, from the looks of that picture, you’ve been in the sun a bit since I saw you last!

    Working on my tan!

    Oops – sorry about the anonymous comment above – I thought I was logged in.

    I was thinking more about this post as I was riding my bike – I reckon I use those words the other way round, but maybe that’s because I always use a tonne of sarcasm whenever I use the word “buff”.

    You did – but I changed over to blogger beta yesterday – and some names were lost.


    i’ve used my super pass 3 times now.
    monday – at the gym
    tuesday – at the pool
    wednesday – at another gym

    gym’s are a funny place!!!

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