“Dave, prepare to pack your bags; we’re heading out on a field trip.”
These were the words left ringing in my ears from Gabe – my new boss – by the end of my third day on the job.

I was immediately a little nervous about the trip. I’ve read the stories. I know the risks. Risks for our team travelling, but even more so – risks for the persecuted believers on the ground that we would be visiting.
And yet, this felt like the right time. The right time to lean in further, listen more, learn more, and love more.
But let’s rewind a little.
For over twenty years, I have loved learning the stories of persecuted Christians throughout the ages. I am deeply encouraged and spurred on by their perseverance and faith under fire. For at least ten years, I have regularly retold some of these stories of persecuted Christians as a pastor teaching through the bible.
By God’s grace, I now find myself working with Open Doors Australia. For over 65 years, this incredible organisation has existed to help people follow Jesus all over the world, no matter the cost. Standing alongside our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ is a privilege! And it’s an honour to help Christians in Australia to be mentored in their faith by the persecuted church.
With a global pandemic and ongoing border restrictions, it’s been a few years since the Open Doors team has been able to visit persecuted believers. This trip had been in the pipeline for a long time; what a gift to have joined the team at just the right time to be invited on this journey.
The destination for our trip? Egypt. We’d be heading to Egypt in a month.
Egypt is a country I know a few things about.
First, I know it’s old. It’s in the early parts of the Bible, and a ridiculous number of ancient buildings still stand today.
Second, I know it ranks as the 20th most dangerous country to be a Christian on our current World Watch List.

Third, my favourite soccer player – and Liverpool legend – Mohamed Salah is from there. He’s the current King of Egypt. Goals on repeat. Assists to boot. Strong abs. Now, I know there are over 100 million people in Egypt, but hopefully, I might bump into Salah while on the road.
Fourth, and perhaps most importantly, some recent stories of persecution in Egypt have resonated deeply with me. I hope to get closer to these stories and retrace the steps of some of these recent heroes of the faith.
Stay tuned.