I have been preaching from the same Bible for the last 10 years. I probably know the layout of the pages and the locations of different verses better than the back of my hand. However it is currently being phased out as I make the transition from 1984 to 2011 New International Version. This year at KYCK I have been speaking from 2011 NIV. So I decided it was also time to update my 6 year old post-it-note evangelistic prayer stuck in the back of my bible.


The prayer is structured around 3 main ideas: sorry; thanks and please. It was originally an abbreviated version of the evangelistic prayer from the Two Ways to Live gospel outline.

(Brackets) – words that have been removed
Bold – words that have been added

Dear God,
I am SORRY for my sin,
I am SORRY for (ignoring) rejecting you.
I don’t deserve your love.
THANKS for sending Jesus to die (for me,) on the cross,
in my place and for my sin,
so I may be forgiven.
THANKS that he rose from the dead,
to give me new life.
PLEASE forgive me and change me,
help me to love Jesus,
and (that I may) live with Jesus as my (Ruler) King.

A SORRY + THANKS + PLEASE prayer is a good first step in becoming a Christian. Want to consider becoming a Christian? Listen to this talk on how to become a Christian.


  1. Awesome and interesting. I can’t wait to hear you preach at Kyck (this week), I was lead by the Kyck website here to your website.

    Have a great weekend (at Kyck! :) )

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