Fake Arminians

Baptists are fake Arminians. Jude 24-25 proves the point:

“24 Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, 25 to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.” Jude 24-25 (esv)

I grew up in a Baptist church and at the end of each church service we would sing the benidiction from Jude 24-25. Now I know there are many Baptists who are Calvinists, but many are Arminian.

Jude 24-25 is clear in proclaiming that God is the one who keeps the Christian from falling. Therefore when the “Arminian” Baptist sings this song at the end of church each week they are declaring that they aren’t really Arminian! The Glory belongs to God and God alone and Arminianism tries to steel that glory but doesn’t when it sings fantastics songs from Jude 24-25…

Do you get me? What do you think?

17 Replies to “Fake Arminians”

  1. i think so.
    i’ve never had photoshop… but it does all that type of stuff… and it’s FREE!! giddy up!

  2. The vast majority of Baptists are Arminian. The calvinistic baptists (often called Reformed Bapitists) are a pretty small minority.

    All Armenian theology (or synergism to be more precise) falls apart at some point along the road. It certainly requires “explaining away” large chunks of scripture.

  3. what’s the Nike logo got to do with it anyway?

    got GIMP now after we discussed but can’t work out how to use it!!

  4. but to the more serious issue at hand …

    yes, good point re Jude 24-25. (I’m sitting here now with the tune of that benediction sounding in my head! Ah, the memories!)

    I agree that Baptist theology, by and large, is Arminian. Indeed, and I’ve mentioned this to you before, I think the particular distinctive feature of Baptist churches (i.e. believers only baptism) tends towards Arminianism as the focus is all on me and my response to God.

  5. “what’s the Nike logo got to do with it anyway?”

    the title of the post is Fake Arminians
    it’s a FAKE nike logo.

  6. [Devil’s Advocate]
    So how do hold the tension between the God who is able to keep (v24) and the command to keep ourselves in God’s love (v17)?
    [/Devil’s Advocate]

    PS – not only is The Gimp free (as in beer) it’s also free (as in speech)

  7. I’ve got no problem with baptists! Most baptists i know are Calvinists. In fact, a lot of baptists i know are rednecked Calvinists! Need to be careful about labelling large groups of people as Arminian or Calvinists depending on their denomination. In fact, i think more Anglicans (and lets face it Dave, we are Anglicans, just a special breed of them) would be Arminians than Baptists… liberal arminians too.

  8. good point about the benediction though Dave… i think it’s even sadder that Liberals in Anglican Churches say the apostles creed every week without understanding what it is they are chanting.

  9. “I’ve got no problem with baptists! Most baptists i know are Calvinists. In fact, a lot of baptists i know are rednecked Calvinists! Need to be careful about labelling large groups of people as Arminian or Calvinists depending on their denomination. In fact, i think more Anglicans (and lets face it Dave, we are Anglicans, just a special breed of them) would be Arminians than Baptists… liberal arminians too.”

    agree that you need to be careful in dishing out labels.

    but sam, don’t tell anyone about the anglican thing… at the moment we’ve got the baptists at our church convinced that we’re not an anglican church!!

  10. “good point about the benediction though Dave… i think it’s even sadder that Liberals in Anglican Churches say the apostles creed every week without understanding what it is they are chanting.”

    it’s tragic that such a vast majority of the anglican church worldwide is up the creek. pray for them.

  11. mmm… so much to pray for. How youth kids loved Coast Youth Thingy Mijig on Friday… thanks for preaching the gospel to youth kids. you are a dead set legend Dave!

  12. hey sam,
    just sent you an email.
    glad they enjoyed it.

    jeremiah did a good job interviewing a couple of them.

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