4 Replies to “Friday arvo”

  1. Nice pic! Did you take that? For your interest, those little “bulges” near the TV antenna are called “mammatus”: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mammatus

    Was a pretty stormy old day…coldest day in 10 years in fact…

    Hope your weekend is relaxing :)

    See you Sunday

  2. yep.
    i took it on my mobile phone.

    can’t believe that it was the coldest day in 10 years!!!

    i had a jumper on and sat near a heater so didn’t feel it!

    see you tonight

  3. Coldest day in 10 years? What coldest day? I was in Noosa – blue sunny sky, 21 degrees, swim at the beach in the warm water. mmmm…. lovely … (though I did have to work as well!)

  4. well…
    matt would know… he’s a meteeeooroligist… but maybe they don’t cover that area…
    is noosa part of ausltraia?

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