G-Champs & Cabinet

Lots of political news today with the Liberal leadership being voted on and team KRudd being announced.

Just thinking about the similarities between a Ministry Cabinet and our G-Champs.

A cabinet member of the government has their portfolio (education, industrial relations, immigration, arts, etc…) but continues in the core of their work in representing the people of their electorate.

A G-Champ in our youth ministry champions one of the purpose areas (glorify, gather, grow, give, gospel, gladness) but more often than not continues in their core work of coaching a G-team (small group Bible study).

The differences?

Politics is important. In the eyes of the world it may not seem it – but in the big picture of eternity our g-champs (and g-team coaches) are doing a far more profound work than all of team KRudd combined.