Google Searches that have lead here #2

dave miers blog eternal weight of glory
“blue king brown” download
dave miers blog (many times)
myspace friends noel gallagher quote
socceroos vs bahrain video download
ever growing glory eternal glory
blogspot katie glory
andrew heard a different jesus
ryan ferguson esv
how to trick a dentist
emo quotes journal
the weight of glory
katie aron had a baby
skaters myspace australia
dave miers
ryan ferguson recites hebrews chapters 9 and 10
joshua harris
dave miers
eternal weight of glory dave miers
emo quotes
youthworks the real thing

ps – they weren’t all google… but most of them were

pps – if you missed the first episode in this series you can find it here

ppps – haven’t had a competition for a while… 1) what’s the first name of the guy on the right? 2) what colour is his shirt? 3) why o why is he wearing a pink shirt? 4) do you think he will wear a pink shirt again this Christmas? (a bonus Christmas present to the first person to answer all four questions correctly…)

21 Replies to “Google Searches that have lead here #2”

  1. Given that that is your sister between you, I’d say thats your brother Andy.
    He’s wearing pink because he’s obviously a man of some style and sophistication. (He’s also into coffee – further evidence)
    He will wear pink again because its cool… unless he is so cool that he thinks pink is “soooo last season”.
    Am I anywhere near it?

  2. Guthers – spot on the money!! Particularly regarding the style, sophistication and coolness! You see, David just doesn’t understand …

    David, where’s Guthers’ prize?

  3. I should say, I hesitated before buying that shirt, hesitated long and hard, because I knew the unsophisticated like Dave would rib me, but the colour was just so striking, and besides it allowed me to match my two cute little daughters!!! I still have to steel myself sometimes before wearing it!

  4. hey guthers – you have the choice of 2 prizes:
    1) a coffee with me (my shout – i still owe one to sam r – so we could do it at the same time)
    2) andy’s pink t-shirt!

  5. I should say, I hesitated before buying that shirt, hesitated long and hard, because I knew the unsophisticated like Dave would rib me, but the colour was just so striking, and besides it allowed me to match my two cute little daughters!!! I still have to steel myself sometimes before wearing it!

    you’re not supposed to match your daughters metro bro!!!

    you better not be planning on dressing my new little nephew in any of their girly clothes!!

  6. hey i did the metro… or maybe nth shore thing today…

    i had my collars up all day!! it sorted just happened in the morning… and i kept them up all day…

    but my shirt isn’t pink!!!

  7. no, he has neither the style, sophistication or uber-coolness to do so!

    You’ll have to shout Guthers a coffee Dave, because the pink shirt is not up for grabs!

    And were you wearing boat shoes? Collar sticking up is good on polo shirt, but you wouldn’t really look north shore without boat shoes! Shirt should also preferably be Lacoste or Ralph Lauren.

  8. pink is cool. My hubby got a pink top and I like it, not quite as pink as Andy’s but still pink. He also has on occasion been ribbed for wearing it.

    Pink = coolness

  9. no, he has neither the style, sophistication or uber-coolness to do so!


    You’ll have to shout Guthers a coffee Dave, because the pink shirt is not up for grabs!

    surely guthers isn’t stupid enough to wear a shirt like that!! i’ve been thinking that maybe guthers ought not to win the prize anyway – i didn’t really like his answers!!!

    And were you wearing boat shoes? Collar sticking up is good on polo shirt, but you wouldn’t really look north shore without boat shoes! Shirt should also preferably be Lacoste or Ralph Lauren.

    don’t wear boat shoes much anymore.
    the polo was a sweet target branded shirt i got a month or so ago for less than $15… great shirt!

  10. pink is cool. My hubby got a pink top and I like it, not quite as pink as Andy’s but still pink. He also has on occasion been ribbed for wearing it.

    Pink = coolness

  11. pink is cool. My hubby got a pink top and I like it, not quite as pink as Andy’s but still pink. He also has on occasion been ribbed for wearing it.

    Pink = coolness

    pink is not cool.
    and andy’s isn’t very subtle!!!

  12. pink is cool. My hubby got a pink top and I like it, not quite as pink as Andy’s but still pink. He also has on occasion been ribbed for wearing it.

    Pink = coolness

  13. Hi David, can you please delete the comment that has my hotmail address in please – did that by accident ;)


  14. I’ll take the coffee thanks dave. When will you be down Sydney way?
    I’ll wear one of my many pink shirts!

  15. nixter has gone comment-crazy today!!!

    but i won’t delete them… it makes this post look more popular than it really is!


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