How to trick a dentist…

Next Monday morning I will be making my first trip to the dentist since the 1980s. During the next 5 days I would like to do whatever I can to make the visit a good one. So…

Do you have any tips on how to trick a dentist?

(I’m after serious ones… but funny ones will be fun to read too!)

10 Replies to “How to trick a dentist…”

  1. How did you get your blog to look like this! …………. you could try both?? it would definately confuse the dentist!

    hey sam.

    my blog template is from
    and it was designed by

    basically what you do is find a template you like…
    and then copy (providing it’s legal) the html and paste it into your template design at blogger.

    i had to upload the pictures to my own host – so i put them at and then had to insert that address into the code.

    if you find a design you like (either go to blogger templates or google “blogger templates” to find other similar sites) and you need help to get it working – shoot me an email.

    does that make sense????

  2. sam and nixter – thank you.

    i cleaned my teeth 3 times yesterday.

    this morning.

    and then after scripture today i came home and gave them a 15 minute workout.
    mouth wash.

    still haven’t eaten since then (5 hours ago) cos my mouth feels so nice.

    hey thanks for the tips in that picutre nixter… did you draw it?

  3. No I didn’t draw it just found it on the internet. Might I take you up on an offer to help with my blog page. The blooming thing won’t work. Grrrrr. The layout doesn’t come out right. Sigh…

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