12 Replies to “HOWARD007”

  1. I love it!
    Very clever!

    I hope you’ve got some sort of site tracking happening because I can’t wait to see how this does!

  2. hey steve.
    i slept fine when i went to bed!!

    haysey – i’ve got the normal gear on there. it will be interesting to see if it takes off!

  3. howard07.com was taken?

    Do you think putting the phrase howard07 on the site would be a good idea? To pick up SE traffic?
    Or is that dodgy?

  4. it’s there… it’s just hidden.
    if you look hard enough… you’ll find it and many other keywords!!

  5. I am not convinced that you aren’t working for the Liberal party.

    Do you have t-shirts?

  6. pass the site on!!

    blog it…

    digg it

    all that stuff!!

    send a letter to smh.com.au
    column 8?
    blog comments.

    spam it up baby!!

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